Sonar 3 better than ProTools?

Actually - I am lieing to you all - it's only a Quickstart .PDF on the CD.

In that case, grab the installed help file for Sonar - it is virtually the same as the manual in depth and content.


Porter - As soon as I get back to office and away from this client!
Sonar sonar sonar!!!!

Which version of sonar are you guys using?
Some guy was talking to me at Guitar Center about Sonar 3. Are the earlier versions of sonar just as good? What features will my programs be lacking if I settle for an older version of sonar?
Two ways to look at it.. Sonar 2XL comes with the Sonic Timeworks EQ and CompressorX plug-in's which aren't available in 3. 3 comes with VSampler and the producer version comes with Ultrafunk Sonitus:fx Suite, Lexicon Pro Patheon Reverb plus, per channel EQ, if that takes your fancy. The Bus Architechture is much better in 3 vs 2. The other thing is, I don't know if you can buy version 2 anymore?

Couple of thoughts,
