Some favourite cartoon bad guys.


If only for a moment.....
Nearly always the most entertaining. They never get the lady but they get the laughs and the best lines !
Jethro Tull did this great song called "And the mouse police never sleeps" to illustrate what savage killers cats can be. Not these three ! sylvester.png MR_JINKS.jpgtom.jpg. Your house would be overrun with rodents with these three at the helm.
Quite often you see characters that are just a recycled version of past characters like ScarScar.gif and Prince Johnprince-john.jpg. They really were the same character but 2 decades apart and in different films. Great bad guys though. Scar could never have made it in Disney films in the 70s !
Then you have the classic school bully type except that Helga G. Patakihelga G. Pataki.jpg from "Hey Arnold" and Lawson Lawson.jpgfrom "Recess" are polar opposites. Lawson being thick as high grade cement and Helga being a sensitive soul. Of course, this doesn't curb their hilariously nasty ways !
Each era has had it's fair share of demented evil geniuses like the Master CylinderCylinder.jpg Sideshow BobSideshow Bob.gif Doctor Doofenschmirtz {responsible for some of the funniest lines I can remember}Dr.Doofenshmirtz.jpgHugo A'gogo {the name alone was a crack up}Hugo_a-go-go.jpg the Hooded Claw {possessor of cartoon telly's greatest laugh, in my opinion}Hooded claw.jpg and SyndromeSyndrome.jpg. The latter showcases the sometime modern trend for the cartoon {well, he's a kind of cartoon} bad guy to be really ruthless and not like the Dick Dastardlysdastardly.jpgWolfiesItsthewolf.jpg and StilettosStiletto.jpg of old.
You'd expect the devildevil.jpg to be a bad guy ! I don't think the real one would be as funny as this one from "God, the Devil and Bob".
Most of the bad guys I've liked in cartoons have been really funny characters in one way or another. But CassidyCassidy.jpg from "Spiderman" is anything but funny. Positively insane, with him it's not just a case of lock up your daughters, but your sons, Grannies, pets and presidents too !
So what other cartoon baddies have tickled people down the years ?
Yeah, I did this thread but none of the pictures came through so I asked if it could be axed and now the pics are in so here we go.
Normal service has been resumed.
I refuse to answer again

unless i can include video game villians. they're cartoons right?

My favorite bad cartoon characters are Cruella Devil (101 Dalmatians), Jafar (Aladdin), the Queen (Snow white and seven dwarfs) and Ursula (The little mermaid). These cartoon characters are very cruel but still loved by many cartoon lovers.