Software compressor

"When I was a kid I'd shoplift Snickers candy bars. Now I pay for them. So I guess it's OK."
... i didn't

haha anyway seriously what do you think?
I realize this is probably steering somewhat off-topic ...

But if you want my opinion, it's not the illegal use / pirating of comercial software that's hurting the software developers. And it certainly isn't "driving the price up." Simple economics will tell you that, if anything, it is driving the cost of the software down in order to compete with illegally-obtained versions of their own software.

If anything, it's the free -- or next to free -- stuff like Audacity, Crystal, Reaper, etc. that is really hurting the developers in the long run. Not only are the developers of this stuff shooting themselves in the foot by giving their hard work away for nothing ... but they're also hurting legitimate business entities who actually want to make money. Money that could otherwise be used to employ people and pay benefits ... so poor guys like Tonypgl could actually find work or something.

But tha'ts probably presenting way too big of an economic picture for a minimum-wage guy in a third world country to grasp, but some of you might get my point. So from a moral standpoint ... using these free programs isn't stealing at all, and it is legit. But in the long-run, it will have the same social and economic ramifications as using cracked software.

Well the paid, and paid dearly for at the time, companies have been given ten years to even get the basics right

They have dropped the ball like noone's business. Only in the very last few years, has any of the native stuff handled auto-input "zero" latency monitoring anything close to right. In fact *THEY WERENT EVEN AWARE IT MIGHT BE IMPORTANT *

VST and DX have locked inputs, allowing ONE and ONLY ONE send stream to acess those inputs

Good job they were paid for, if thats how it is, I want my money back

On the other hand, open source software ( not quite the same thing as free, though it can be free), leads to a meeting of the minds. We see how strong Linux is, I say we give them a few more years to work out the implications of open source

Sad to say, that for free, the lowest latency at the lowest CPU cost has been realized for quite sometime. Take a trip thru linux with an RME soundcard and see how that works, "hammerfall mixer" murders any windows or mac hammerfall setup. Ardour's beta is a a shining light of efficiency and stability.

And just so the facts are up, reaper isnt free, its in beta

Unlike most companies who ask the customer to pay for the beta test ( though they sell it as final), reaper is getting its ducks in a row through real world user input, and is succeeding in so many areas
pipelineaudio said:
Only in the very last few years, has any of the native stuff handled auto-input "zero" latency monitoring anything close to right. In fact *THEY WERENT EVEN AWARE IT MIGHT BE IMPORTANT *

VST and DX have locked inputs, allowing ONE and ONLY ONE send stream to acess those inputs

Good job they were paid for, if thats how it is, I want my money back.

Tell me about it, Pipeline. My software won't even bake me a cake or make me a freakin' espresso. I want my stinkin' money back, too.
