Snare recommendations please


New member
Right! Well its time that I started looking for another snare and I am hoping for some advice. Yes I know I can go to a drum shop and mess around but this was spur of the moment and GC and other drum shops are closed/closing soon. :)

I am just looking for a deeper snare (7" or 8") with crack and a very DRY sound. It does not matter what its made of. I just want something big, cracky and dry. Price does not matter toooooooooo much.

Something nice but not too expensive. :)

Anyone? Thanks.....!!
Most of that is accomplished with head choice,(like a genera vented dry as opposed to a single ply evans) although an acrylic snare will be a bit dryer than a wood snare which is dryer than a metal snare.

Honestly, I have gone the complete gamut of super dry to super ringing, and the dry snare does not record well. It works for live but close micing a dry snare sounds like crud.

My opinion obviously.

My favorite all around snare is a 14 by 6.5 brass. It is my most versatile snare.
I prefer a 13 inch snare for faster head response and a higher head pitch. The deeper the snare the more the shell fundamental pitch comes into play. I have a 13 by 7 ,12 ply maple that really rocks but has a very low fundamental pitch that does not work for most of the stuff I record.

Some of my experience anyway.

Cool thanks for your responses! I am going to check out witt percussion. I have always wanted a custom made job.

Also I guess I dont mean super dry. I guess I am just looking for a deeper shell. tmix, what is the brand of the brass snare that you speak of? Also thanks tmix for the info. As usual....You always provide insight to my questions. I guess its just the Texan in us eh? :)
tmix, what is the brand of the brass snare that you speak of? Also thanks tmix for the info. As usual....You always provide insight to my questions. I guess its just the Texan in us eh? :)

Ha ha ,
More likely you just understand my accent!
My Brass is a Slingerland. It really was not that expensive maybe $200?used
Yamaha makes a better one.Tama makes a humdinger (Bell brass) probably set you back closer to $400 used.

I have heard some thick ply maple (20 ply ?) That really crack, nearly will take your head off.
Maybe Witt has something like that.

Good luck!
I just bought a 14X8 brass Tama & it absolutely rocks. It came with an almost new ambassador head & with my external damper its got crack, depth & is a dry or open as I want it

IMHO one of the best snares I've had to date. The best snare I ever played was a Craviotto 14x8 that cost (in the UK) £350 second hand

I got the Tama for £120 all in with p+p

The 7"x14" Allegra I have is dry, with alot of crack.
I also have a pork pie pig-lite(impulse buy at $180) that records well and is 7"x13"
I agree with the above - Mapex Black Panther (Stainless Steel is an awesome model and very versatile). TAMA too (I'd look for anything in the mid-level to Starclassic series) Both great choices.

I think one of the nicest "dry" snare sounds I've worked with was my old housemate who had a Yamaha Steele snare drum with a vented batter head. Very dry but still recorded well.

Happy hunting. -Rez
Hmmmm.....I just happen to have an old Yamaha steel snare and an Evans Genera Dry vented head lying around. Well I guess I know what I am doing tonight! I was also looking at the Pork Pie Piglite as well. I am going to have to play at the drum shops this weekend. My wife will be pleased. Uh....not. :)

Thanks for the ideas everyone.
I have a 14" x 6.5" Slingerland, and haven't been able to get a decent sound with it.

What kind of heads are you using?

Hey E,
I generally use either a Evans Reverse power dot (coated) or a evans vented. I get tired of the vented dry sound after a while and use the single ply type most of the time. I can play it wide open for some ring or stick a moon gel or 2 on it at the edge to tame it down.

I was going to attach an mp3 of a song I was working on to show you what it sounds like, but you cant post mp3s in this forum I guess.
I have heard some thick ply maple (20 ply ?) That really crack, nearly will take your head off.
Maybe Witt has something like that.

Witt does one-piece steam-bent shells. I'll let you know what I think of their work in about three weeks or so.:D

There are tons of builders who can throw together a 20 ply snare, you can even buy an unfinished shell with edges and beds pre-cut, and drill it yourself, if you have the aptitude. Saluda sells 'em, as well as finished drums, the shells are Kellers.
I have a 14" x 6.5" Slingerland, and haven't been able to get a decent sound with it.

What kind of heads are you using?

I have a slingerland 14x5.5 & it either works for me or doesn't. I find them temperamental to say the the least. I use an evans G2 & I came upon a thin white coated (hazy) snare head & a whopping 42 strand snare wire........TBH I hardly use it now over a mid 70s acrolite, remo masteredge Louie Bellson sig. & a premier genista all 14x5.5 & recently the Tama 14x8

but yeah my experience with slingerlands so far has been love & hate
I have a slingerland 14x5.5 & it either works for me or doesn't. I find them temperamental to say the the least. I use an evans G2 & I came upon a thin white coated (hazy) snare head & a whopping 42 strand snare wire........TBH I hardly use it now over a mid 70s acrolite, remo masteredge Louie Bellson sig. & a premier genista all 14x5.5 & recently the Tama 14x8

but yeah my experience with slingerlands so far has been love & hate

I haven't used the Slingerland since I bought a Pearl Piccolo, but I'd like a little variety.
my experience with ALL snare drums has been love/hate. it seems that those drums in particular are VERY sensitive to barometric pressure, humidity levels, temperature, etc.

it seems that most of my snare drums are only "happy" about 1/2 of the year.....during the times that they're not happy, they sound "dead". the other times, they're so alive it's not even funny.

my favorite of late has been a DW Collectors Series maple 5x13. nice dry sounding crack. got it for $180 used.

i've also got a 6.5x14 pearl export steel shell, a no-name 5x14 steel shell, and a mid-60's gold sparkle (that sounds amazing when it's cooperating). but the DW is my main one these days.

The most useful snare in the universe would have to be a 6.5x14 Ludwig Supraphonic. Followed closely by a 5x14 Supraphonic. Both are relatively cheap.

I have two deep snares, a Pearl 8x14 Freefloater and a Premier Heavy Rock Nine. With the right head, both of these sound great, but they are hard to find.
My go-to snare these days is my 6.5 x 14 Pearl Steve Ferrone Signature Brass... It can do everything I axe it to... :)

I keep my 20 ply custom maple (keller shell) on stage in case of a head break, but it really hasn't left it's case in months...

The Ferrone's can be found still, but you might have to fork out $300-$400...

My go-to snare these days is my 6.5 x 14 Pearl Steve Ferrone Signature Brass... It can do everything I axe it to... :):)

What heads are you using on it? I had one briefly and I couldn't get it to stop ringing uncontrollably. The thing drove me nuts.