sm57 clones...

ok, enough with the hype, this mic is good, but it's not the exact sound as the sm-57.

It sounds to me to be similar in the mid and higher end, but the low and low mid is definitely different. It has a different tonal quality down there. Not as flat, not as even. But the mic is still useful, but I would also say that it has it's own identity and I wouldn't peronally use it for recording, that's for shure.

Don't expect a replication of the industry standard mic made by the most famous mic company in the world for 1/3 the price.
DD666 - John Hornby Skewes do some VERY cheap dynamics which I saw in a magazine last week. I think the website is something like - look them up. If I get a chance to fine you more details, I will.
Only issue is that they can't ship to the UK...
You can buy directly from thier site without using e-bay.
I bought 6 of their mics a month or so ago and they were not only excellent to deal with over e-mails but they had them on my door step in Australia in 6 working days and they even sent me a free t-shirt. :)
I purchased 3 es57 and 3 es 58 and they are an awesome mic.
I don't see how...?

Unless you called them? They don't let you change the country to send it too, and there are no options for international customers.

Can you link me to a page where i can order them?
Okay. I'm an amateur live soundman. I was recently looking at a sound system for my church and I came acroos the Collins DCM57. I was as sceptical as you guys are but I read an article that says that they are every bit as good as SM57s. Is this too good to be true and should I go for them. We don't have a lot of money.

We are in the same boat in the sound team in my school whereby we are broke and we need quite a few new mics.

PS. Drummerdude, I found these on a UK site,
drummerdude666 said:
If the clones sound like shit then fair enough, but i'd like to hear from people who've used them.
Mate, i bought a sm57 of ebay for about £30 + £9 postage (obviously from hong kong) as a but it now. It comes with everything a real sm57 comes with a i honestly couldnt tell the differnce between a real one i got from my local shop (for way more £££) and the one off ebay. I Thought it was genuine until i read on here that the fake ones the 'R' on the shure on the microphone sticks up a bit and on the genuine shure microphones it doesnt stick up. BUT the mic i got was AMAZING for the money and i allways use it for recording drums and guitar. UNFORTUNATLY i looked on e bay a month a go for the same seller OR other people selling fake ones from hong kong or china but there werent any left when i looked. They had all been taken off e bay. There used to be loads of dirt cheap fake sm57's that noone would touch except for us on a tight budget, ah well.
Hope this helps! in anyway :D
You can get the GLS ES57 (SM57 Clones) on e-bay right now for $29.99 each or if you want to buy a Bunch you can get 10 for $199.99.....

They also have SM 58 clones and other "Clones" of other Models....

If you want the Link I can Scrounge it up for you.....
