Signature Files

That was in my old signature space. However, advertising messages are aginst the rules.
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DJL said:
Yeah of course I like you... and if you want to advertise on why not pay for a banner instead of sneaking around it with an advertisement/link in the signature space?

This is what kills me Don. Nobody is sneaking around, not Fletcher, Harvey, Farview, me, Blue Bear, nobody. It's a link to what we do, it tells people where we might be coming from when we post about everything from gear to production techniques.

People are also free to click or not to click, I know that is obvious but to me it should be the end of the conversation. But it won't be, this will be discussed again and again and again by you for sure because it's one guy's pet peeve.

In your new signature (as of this moment) you are stating it's OK (correction, your opinion that it's OK) for sig links if we're paying Dragon for a banner up top. Where do you draw the line? Are you assuming that people only want to click banners on top but don't want to see links in the forum itself? So far the only one complaining time after time is you and only you. Maybe it's time to do a little soul searching and figure out if this entire board is wrong or if maybe, just maybe it is you.

That is not meant as a hack, but when the whole world says "we want sigs" (or "we don't care") and you say "no sigs" (or place your own rules on who should get sigs ie payment) then I would think about my opinion versus, well virtually all others.

I think all this talking about SPAM gets in the way of what folks came here to do, chat about gear, techniques, and then there's the CAVE. Again, I must stress that you're the only one calling this and that SPAM or letting some slide and passing judgement on others.

I am not singling you out, there are no others to single you out from.

I would love to hear the moderator's view on this issue. I emailed HR about this SPAM subject before to make sure that I was within rules that matter and again, no response from HR.

EddieRay said:
"Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message......"

These are not spam:
Warren Dent

Front End Audio Sells Gear.
email: warren at
Let's dance about architecture.

Jason Walsh
Farview Recording - And check out Farivew's Drumagog Rock Drum samples!!!

Mercenary Audio

...or hangin' with George and Harvey on R/E/P

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound -- Recording Articles

George Massenburg will get better results with a Portastudio, than a monkey with a Neve!!!

Chris Finster


Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
Studio Projects Joemeek Toft Audio

You, DJL, seem to be the only one of the many thousands of members here that is bothered by this. I suggest you leave, and let the rest of us see if we can decide whether or not to click on a link.
OK Don, seriously this is what I find when I look at the signature description for HR:

What is the signature for?
After you have registered, you may set your signature. This is a piece of text that you would like to be inserted at the end of all your posts, a little like having headed note paper.

If the administrator has enabled signatures, then you will have the option to include your signature on any posts you make. If you have specified a signature, then the forum will automatically append your signature to any messages you post. You can disable signatures on a per-post basis by un-ticking the 'Show Signature' checkbox when you compose your message.

You may turn the signature on and off on posts you have already made by editing the post and altering the state of the 'Show Signature' option.

You can set your signature by editing your profile.

The only other related thing I can find when searching "spam" in FAQ is this:

What are referrals?
The administrator may have enabled referrals, which allows you to be credited for any new users you invite to the forum.

You gain referrals by promoting Home Recording dot com BBS using your unique referral link. The link you should use as your referral link is this:

Each time someone follows this link to Home Recording dot com BBS and registers as a new member, your referral count will be incremented by one. The number of referrals you have can be viewed in your profile.

Your administrator will have more information on any prizes or rewards that may be given out for referrals. Please be courteous when promoting Home Recording dot com BBS by not spamming other web sites with your referral link just to gain referrals.

The latter part is HR asking that you link in other forums to drive new membership for HR. I am not saying this is wrong, I am saying HR is asking you to link them in other forums via a signature, etc. They are warning not to be a jerk about it of course, but I'm assuming if it's OK in their mind to link back here then it must be OK to link somewhere else in a sig.

And I can find no rules saying studios / distributors cannot link in sigs. If I am missing something please point it out.

I for one appreciate the fact that we've got several pro's in the industry actively posting here. Further, their signatures with site links help me to filter out those who do and those who just hang on this site with little or no qualifications.

Now I know that anyone can build a site but a quality site with contact information, resume or contacts let people like me do their homework and validate some of the advice dumped on these threads.

I say signature and links are not spam as long as the posting indivudual is bringing something to the party.
I thought this was the "Equipment Forum"...rack gear as I recall. Would it be considered spamming if we were off the inteded subject matter and wasting everyones time by stirring this up in this forum? I'm thinking the place for this would be in the Visitor Feedback or Dragon's Layer areas. :rolleyes:

Oh crap...I swore I wouldn't get sucked into this. :(
Some people just piss and moan to piss and moan. Not sure if they do this sort of thing for their own amusement or what?! In on-line gaming they are often referred to as grievers... people who cause others grief just for the fun of it.

Who the hell really cares what's in someones signatures? Does it really matter? If someone is proud enough of what they do, be it as a profession or not, and they feel confident enough to list it on their posts so that others can check them out (and possibly be open to scorn and ridicule, hehe) then God bless em I say. Sorry, but I've got an inferiority complex and I don't think I'd ever leave a link to any of my songs :)

But that's not going to get me to stop others from promoting themselves and/or their business. Again, what's the big deal?! Get good enough to start making money yourself, become a professional, and sell yourself/products as well. Feel free to put what you want in your signature. If you don't do so because you can't, or your not good enough, or don't feel good enough about your stuff.. so be it. Still no reason to try to get others to stop. Grow up. Get a job. Get a life. No need to feel threatened by others...

You don't have to like em...
You don't have to click em...
And you definitely don't need to censor them

punkin said:
I thought this was the "Equipment Forum"...rack gear as I recall. Would it be considered spamming if we were off the inteded subject matter and wasting everyones time by stirring this up in this forum? I'm thinking the place for this would be in the Visitor Feedback or Dragon's Layer areas. :rolleyes:

Oh crap...I swore I wouldn't get sucked into this. :(

Excellent observation. I believe you are correct.
I wanted to tell War and some of the others how I feel about advertisements... so I sent them private PM's asking them to remove the ad's in the signature space (some did, some didn't)... but, this public thread turned into something ugly, which was never intended. Put anything you want in your signature space... it's not worth bickering over it.
punkin said:
I thought this was the "Equipment Forum"...rack gear as I recall. Would it be considered spamming if we were off the inteded subject matter and wasting everyones time by stirring this up in this forum? I'm thinking the place for this would be in the Visitor Feedback or Dragon's Layer areas. :rolleyes:

Oh crap...I swore I wouldn't get sucked into this. :(

Well, he already screwed up the mic forum with his bullshit. I guess it's the rack's turn now.

I can't believe this guy has the balls to PM people and ask them to change their sig's. It's even harder to believe that some of you have.
DJL said:
Put anything you want in your signature space... it's not worth bickering over it.
Thanks but we really didn't need your permission one way or the other now, did we? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I agree with you, DJL -- other times you just go waaaaaaaaayyy off the deep end of who-the-hell-knows-where..... maybe you should get that looked at..........!
DJL said:
I wanted to tell War and some of the others how I feel about advertisements... so I sent them private PM's asking them to remove the ad's in there signature space (some did, some didn't)... but, this is now turnning into something ugly, which was never intended. Put anything you want in your signature space... it's not worth bickering over it.

Don, now let's be clear. You sent me a PM telling me to remove my signature which you are not authorized to do. There was no mention of your feelings or consideration for my feelings on the matter.

I don't think this is something ugly if it's productive, and I'm glad Fletcher broke this out into a separate thread. But let's face it, this is a DJL issue and nobody else. We're all posting due to your concerns, and not our own.

It's not worth bickering over it, I agree. But we are, and while we're here I'm not finding anything of substance that says there should be a movement to cleanse HR from sig files.

I know this is obvious, but have you ever considered blocking those people here that offend you with their sigs? Problem solved by doing that, I guess blocking is well suited to individuals who want the change of scenery... and a lot easier than asking (or telling) an entire BBS to change for one member.

Just some thoughts.

Blue Bear Sound said:
Thanks but we really didn't need your permission one way or the other now, did we? :rolleyes:

Sometimes I agree with you, DJL -- other times you just go waaaaaaaaayyy off the deep end of who-the-hell-knows-where..... maybe you should get that looked at..........!
Of course not... it was a request to those I PMed.
War... I asked you to "please" remove it... you said no thanks... end of story. Put anything you want in your signature space, make a bigger billboard if youn want... it's not worth bickering over.
DJL said:
War... I asked you to "please" remove it... you said no thanks... end of story. Put anything you want in your signature space, make a bigger billboard if youn want... it's not worth bickering over.

OK not trying to continue bickering for bickering's sake, but you never asked. There was no "will you" or "can you" or a question mark.

It was basically "please get rid of it. Thanks" without reprinting it here word for word (respecting your private message).

You did say please though. ;)

Sweet! Case closed.

Personally, I'd like to thank the pros and semi-pros here for including their info in their signature. Based on this information, I know that the guy giving me advice about my recordings isn't somebody who just bought their first portastudio. I know that people like Fletcher and the Bear can be counted on to know damn well what they're talking about, rather than thinking they've got a short fuse for no apparent reason. (no offense to either of you!) I know people like Warhead and Deepwater (even though he doesn't have anything in his sig) can count me in as potential customers in the near future. I know Massive, based on his website and the way in which he conducts himself on this board, will be the guy that I happily shell out my cash to for the mastering of my album (if it ever gets finished!) And if there's some guy named Harvey Gerst running around who offers to sell me some great headphones, no matter how strange the name is, I'll bet that I can wager on their quality based on his reputation, creds, and flat-out general coolness.

Some of us like having a little more info than 765 lists of the best mics under $200. I came here for knowledge. I enjoy knowing who I should be talking to after I learn where to point the sm57. And personally, I like knowing where I can save a few bucks, where my cash ought to be going, and who out there can stand behind a trustworthy product.
Massive Master said:
Geez, dude - Go into your freakin' CP and turn off signatures, will you?

You know you can do that, right?

John has just offered you the solution to this problem of yours and it was right under our nose the entire time. You have full capability of doing this, I'm glad the solution is now apparent for you.

Unless you want to view signatures of course, which is fine with the rest of us. Glad we can move on and DJL is happy, win win all around.

And if that doesn't work, wrap your head in tin foil and put fresh garlic cloves around your keyboard. That will keep the nasty signature files from harming you. Good luck.