Shredders and Grinders only-your setup

i use;

gibson SG-I
Gordon Smith GS-I
Godin LG
Ibanez JEM bfp


Marshall DSL-100 Through greenbacks This is the high-gain up-the-butt machine

MEsa boogie studio .22 Lovely beast... crank (less gain ... for definition and that lovely mesa tone... ;) )

Fender bassman ten through 15"ev... i'm trying to mod this so it will pump terrifying amounts of bass and gain.. like the soundgarden thing or something like that... no definition just low grind... follow me?

next purchase is a 7-string... i detune my axes now but 7-strings just handle the bass better...

I'm currently building alluminium 7-string.

HA !!! :D

Neck thru body, inversed headstock, 26" scale lenght, and v-shaped body- like Kerry King's KKV on steroides.
Neck thickness 10 mm with exposed truss rod.

I designed pick-ups too, composite magnet piece with 7 individual pole pieces - still experimenting :)

Maybe it will sound like total shit :confused: , but i think that 26" scale will improve string tension - needed for that sub-bass grind :D , and still be more playable than baritone guitar ( 27" scale )
alu? isn't that REALLY fuckin bright?

Anyway i'm still lookin for an affordable 7 string in uerope... any help appreciated...
