Shredders and Grinders only-your setup


Ibanez RG550
ESP Custom
Heartfield EX
Fender Stratocaster

Main Amps:

Mesa/Boogie TriAxis
Mesa/Boogie Quad
SansAmp PSA-1

Preferred setup:
ESP MIII w/ EMG-81 through the TriAxis and a Lee Jackson power amp into a Celestion equipped 2x12.

This setup SINGS! Depending on the TriAxis setting, I can easily get a tone that sustains seemingly forver with a hint of feedback depending on how I work the string.

My axe almost seems to play itself for at least two reasons: 1) The neck is wide and thin with low action. 2) The amp sucks the notes out of the neck with almost no effort on my part.

Also, I can easily switch settings on the fly while jamming to get a good tone that sits perfect in a mix.

Alternate (live) setup:
Ibanez RG550 through SansAmp PSA-1 direct to the board.

The Ibanez is a shredder's dream with a (possibly) faster wide-thin neck than my ESP. The PSA-1 works well with it for quickly dialing in a variety of versatile tones. Thus, I can get a shimmering Fender clean tone or mild distortion. Then, for a shred solo, I can switch to a Marshallesque mid-boosted screaming lead.

I mainly use the PSA-1 over the TriAxis live because it is easier to quickly dial in a variety of tones. Also, I can leave it in the PA rack, which reduces setup b.s. Otherwise, the TriAxis has the best shred tones.
For the metal mp3 below I used a Fender Strat with a S.Duncan Lil '59er bridge humbucker and a Les Paul. Played them both through (believe it or not) a Fender Cyber-Twin. It sounds pretty good (recorded direct) in the mp3 but even better live (through the speakers, etc..) Yeah, I know it seems crazy but just take a listen.

Injured Hand
I used to use one of those crappy DOD Death Metal pedals, but it's just TOO distorted (and noisy!!). Not bad for that grindcore distorted bass sound though (like Malignant Tumour, Violent Headache, Genital Gore, etc.), super messy and splattered.
RG355DX stock into Marshall 2205 setup with 6550's instead of El34's, Morely Wah and Boss SD-1 for lead boost. I have a custom Ibanez with a Jeff Beck model in the neck (Hotrodded Ibanez Roadstar) It smokes..It screams... Lots of tone to the bone... Shredder.. Ya It be me ;)
I have other stuff not pertinant o the thread too

I just got rid of my ol' Boss GT-3, so right now I don't have any 'special fx'...
It's now Ibanez S540 FMTTS-->Vox V847 wah-->H&K Tubefactor-->Boss MT-2 Metalzone-->Peavey Bandit 112.

By the end of next year it's hopefully gonna be:

Ibanez S540 FM TTS-->Vox v847-->Carl Martin Compressor-->H&K Tubefactor-->Boss MT-2 Metalzone-->EHX Deluxe Memory Man or Ibanez DE-7-->Fulltone ChoralFlange or Boss CH-1-->Fulltone Supa-Trem or Danelectro Tuna Melt--> (behold!)--ENGL Savage Special Edition 100w alltube head with 4x 12" Engl standard slanted cabinet...

Best guitarbrands for shredding remain Ibanez, Jackson and ESP (I also got a Grass Roots Horizon model with Seymour Duncan 59'er and a Little 59'er in it... fuckin' fast guitar with loads o' mid and output...even makes a JCM900 sound nice... ;)
No sorry. But I have spoken to Peter once at a concert in Rotterdam in Holland. I CAN play equally fast though... ;)
Kreator and Destruction use ENGL amps and cabs on their recent European tour.
I played Mile's guitar ( Jackson King V ) thru those monsters during the soundcheck, and they are awesome.
IBANEZ 7string or saber 6 string
tuned to b

mesa single rect or crate voodoo

marshall 4x12 w/cel

live i use a comp w/gate and a 7 band eq

played in the stlye of brutal death metal..............
Well Igormeister, its hard to say w/ the eq settings i use it to cut some lows an boost some mids w/ the mesa, and its the other way around for the crate.
Im curretly taking a gamble and getting a seymour duncan dimebucker in my ibanez saber, it better not sound lame or thin.
Is there a type of metal sound your aiming to get?

I must say-i hate fuckin dist pedals! ( easy sound shitty when you turn up the volume.

The guitar sound on Cannibal Corpse's VILE album is a nice sound but a bit thin, i think ill never be happy. My sound is kind of similar to Deeds of Flesh's Path of the weakining album.
I like guitar sound of every album which came from Morrisound studio.
It's nice to follow progression of Cannibal Corpse sound, album after album - produced by Scot Burns and Brian Slagel.
It sounds thin, but at lower levels. Earlier albums have much bigger dinamic range than today's standard, and when played with cranked wolume, it sounds like it have to sound - punchy drums and grinding guitars.

Morbid Angel is benchmark guitar sound.

Death is class of it's own, especially last album - clearest production in metal, ever.
Subjectively it sounds light on bass, but on spectral analyzer is visible that it have huge punch in sub-bass region - it's radio-friendly, wont't thrash car speakers, and played on big hi-fi with sub sounds earthshaking.

This kind of sound i can get by cutting bass and boosting mids around 2-2.5 kHz, but it lacks power, and sound thin when recorded.
So, i take signal from distortion out, split it, and rune one channel directly to amp, and other to EQ and harmonizer.
I cut all mids and highs on this second channel and pith it down for one and two octaves.
Mixing two channels at amp input ( i have old modified 4 input Marshall, all-tube ), i get clear sound with attack without ooooooommmph resonances, but with sub-bass that shakes the house. I can compress this second channel, but it sounds extreme. :)

I think this is the way to get that Death, At the gates or Fear factory sound.

Opinions ?
dabluesman said:
For the metal mp3 below I used a Fender Strat with a S.Duncan Lil '59er bridge humbucker and a Les Paul. Played them both through (believe it or not) a Fender Cyber-Twin. It sounds pretty good (recorded direct) in the mp3 but even better live (through the speakers, etc..) Yeah, I know it seems crazy but just take a listen.

Injured Hand

Oh now you're just being silly!


Theres not alot of people up in here that is into real heavy music. I hate in when people say "i like really heavy shit like slipknot, and papa roach, and pantera" . All radio shit. I like pantera, from back in the day when cowboys came out, and system of a down is the only radio band that i like.And thats about it. But real heavy extreme metal would never be played on the radio. I mean even comercial "death metal" like the last death album and stuff like that is still heavier than slipknot but these young kids think thats the shit , man they got to branch out a bit. Its all about and image over music to sell$$$$$$ product.
Ahhh,...... the underground where i like to be.
gibson sonex , peavy musician mark III BASS half stack- with a cry baby wah pedal and marshall distortion box. I used to just get rid of all the mids and let the bass run really deep and push the highs
up there so the sound would have some nice bite.