Should I buy a Presonus Firebox

You can't select a higher sampling rate in Audacity: edit > preferences > Quality > default Sample Rate

I can select 96 on my copy
I just found a Presonus Fire Box at a pawn shop for $100, but it's missing 1 of the cd's, the firewire cable and the spdif/midi cable. I would of bought it but the spdif/midi cable seems like it would be hard to find any suggestions? also wonder if any one has had any issues with the midi on this box. I have a Akai mpk49 midi controller?????? Sonar 8.5 running on a laptop w/ i7 processor 2.8ghz w/4 gb ram
I just found a Presonus Fire Box at a pawn shop for $100, but it's missing 1 of the cd's, the firewire cable and the spdif/midi cable. I would of bought it but the spdif/midi cable seems like it would be hard to find any suggestions? also wonder if any one has had any issues with the midi on this box. I have a Akai mpk49 midi controller?????? Sonar 8.5 running on a laptop w/ i7 processor 2.8ghz w/4 gb ram

Shouldn't hijack someone else's thread, even if it's old. Just start a new one of your own... But since you already asked....

For the CD, you can most likely download the latest drivers from Presonus' website. Firewire and midi cables are easy to find. Do you really need spdif?? Most people don't use it. If you're using the mpk49 then you wouldn't need the midi function on the presonus. No need for the midi cable then.