Should have kept the Cave open.

The problem with political topics as I see it is no one knows what the fuck they're talking about. No one has anything to back up their claims. It's all just dumb, blind opinion. It's all cheerleading. Too many people just toe the line. And it's damn easy to find any article or study to back up whatever your dumb biased beliefs are, so it's ridiculous to even bother. Some leftytard posts an op-ed piece from the Washington Post as if it's fact, and some conservatard quotes the bible. WTF? They're all full of shit. So just stop.

At least with audio/recording related topics, there's ample proof-in-the-pudding.
The problem with political topics as I see it is no one knows what the fuck they're talking about. No one has anything to back up their claims. It's all just dumb, blind opinion. It's all cheerleading. Too many people just toe the line. And it's damn easy to find any article or study to back up whatever your dumb biased beliefs are, so it's ridiculous to even bother. Some leftytard posts an op-ed piece from the Washington Post as if it's fact, and some conservatard quotes the bible. WTF? They're all full of shit. So just stop.

At least with audio/recording related topics, there's ample proof-in-the-pudding.

If you stopped replying to those thread, a large majority of the heated debates go away. You can't be civil about anything. If one doesn't record real drums, he is a x-tard, he is doesn't use real amps, X-tard, ... If he doesn't do it Greg's way. he is an X-tard.

You're the main source of much controversy on this board.
I don't see anything wrong with talking politics. It's personal attacks that I don't agree with. I dished out plenty of personal attacks in the cave but it was mostly in response to personal attacks against me. THAT'S what should be moderated. The name calling and personal attack.

I mean for God's sake....A thread was started about the news reporter and her camera man getting shot. It immediately morphed into Ani gun people attacking the second amendment.
God forbid someone who believes in the 2nd amendment chimes in....
THEN all of a sudden it's political and must be shut down!

We might as well go ahead and admit that political threads are not a big deal. They are no problem whatsoever in fact. It's the distaste around here for anything conservative that causes the out of control personal attacks and meltdowns.

So, maybe the rules should be "no CONSERVATIVE politics allowed"

That would stop all the personal attacks flaming, spiteful posting....and people's personal opinions will be propped up instead of challanged.
It would be Heaven on earth and deserving of a nice resounding chorus of Kum biya.
Haha, Greg, the Washington Post is probably a far more reliable source of information than the fucking bible!

Jimi, it is normally the conservatives who go into meltdown mode and start insulting people.
If you stopped replying to those thread, a large majority of the heated debates go away. You can't be civil about anything. If one doesn't record real drums, he is a x-tard, he is doesn't use real amps, X-tard, ... If he doesn't do it Greg's way. he is an X-tard.

You're the main source of much controversy on this board.

Lol. Did you cry a little as you typed that? Just keep reporting me. You'll get your way eventually.

But as usual, I'm way ahead of you. I've already backed off. I'm not gonna bother trying to help because responses like yours are the result. But you know, just between you and me, if you tried it "Greg's way" your mixes might get a lot better. Just a thought.
No, most of the time lambo would post a conservative slanted thread and get gang tackled by liberals. Vicious personal attacks against him. Of I respond to a post....didn't matter what I said....I get called a bigot by Muttley and his sidekick kcearl.
I saw it over and over again.
Might as well be honest about it....not that it really matters at this point. It was peace an harmony as long as nothing conservative was said.
No, most of the time lambo would post a conservative slanted thread and get gang tackled by liberals. Vicious personal attacks against him. Of I respond to a post....didn't matter what I said....I get called a bigot by Muttley and his sidekick kcearl.
I saw it over and over again.
Might as well be honest about it....not that it really matters at this point. It was peace an harmony as long as nothing conservative was said.

If you're feeling bad about it, maybe that's your conscience speaking? - Cause I know you don't give a shit what those guys think.
Yes I did cry. I have the sniffles now.

I've never reported you. Why would i?

I've obviously upset you for you to unleash that unprovoked attack on my character. You've obviously being stewing on that for a while. Do you feel better now? In a way I respect the fact that you've finally grown some balls. On the other hand, you don't wear it well. Go back to being vanilla.

Well, that went smoothly.

I rest my fucking case. Thanx, you fucking clowns. :D

Fucking hilarious.

Nobody has changed their mind about anything based on what they've read in this forum. It might sound like a good thing to say, but it's complete bullshit.

Most of you guys are funnier than you'll ever realize.

I'm out of my own thread. I can't see this going anywhere but wrong.

I don't see why there couldn't be a 'politics and religion' specific forum, like somewhere else I know of, and let everyone run amok in there. Those of us that aren't interested in being a party to the fray could just discuss other stuff here in peace.
Generally speaking, and I know there'll be exceptions, the people who run a mock do fuck all recording.

If that's accepted, I don't see why a forum should have a special section to keep their resident non-recording idiots entertained and out of the road.

Let's face it though, Prime Time is a title adjustment away from being exactly what you described.
I've obviously upset you for you to unleash that unprovoked attack on my character. You've obviously being stewing on that for a while. Do you feel better now? In a way I respect the fact that you've finally grown some balls. On the other hand, you don't wear it well. Go back to being vanilla.

Unleash, just made a statement.

Vanilla, I like to think of it as even handed. I am not going to argue over something that isn't that important. I do like to present opposing views.