sex speed and violence

hey cool... I like the holes ... clean recording. bass sounds clean and punchy, jus a tad of ass on it would be nice. Hell, I`d even like to hear a little svt cab rattle there`s room for it. :)
This has a very cool groove man. I like that bass that's doin all the talkin. The vox are cool for a british kind of Zack De La Rocha vibe.
Hey gj,
Hey this is cooool! Kind of a bri'ish quirky funky punky thang.... I like it. I dont really get the RATM comparison..... ...but thats immaterial. If youre going for a more ratm typa thing, you could make some of those changes BIG (big solid simple guit/bass/drum rhythms). I dont know why you'ld wanna do that though, I like it the way it is. Cool bass and drums in this. I like the vocs too. one here man!!
Bumping this for a few reasons... to say "I'm sorry for hijacking the thread before" and because groov-j is a cool mother :)

Also, because the joke just/kidding thing might have gotten out of hand. I meant the stuff about RATM, Sam, but you are on my list of people I would *least* say "bite me" to on Earth... so it was definitely j/k....

Balls or no balls, Tom ;)

Hopefully this gives groove-j more listens, too :D

sorry for thankin so late guys - but I had some trouble.. well, I fucked up my motherboard (it just died instantly, freezing my comp) - and plz, don't bump this unless I'll bring out the next ver of the song :)

Doug H - thanks man, hope you listen the next version too..

SLuiCe - yeah, that happen with me too - their 2nd album could't top the first one and sounded like a repetition of ther own stuff
- about the song, you're right, and I'll try to bring that changeups :):)

participant - thanks chad, your opinion means a lot to me - and you really think it's my best recording? - it's just curious that the songs I spend less time sound best.. but in makin music just the results count -- thanks again

Toki987 - thx Toki

Khompewtur - thanks - I'm new in playin bass, but it's not so hard than I thought (of course just recording a short line..)

Guernica - well, as I said, it was just an experiment to figure it out how they do that, not an attempt to copy them - just to learn
and find out if I can do it - I'm still looking for my own style.. thanks for your comments!