Samicide/SLuiCe Collaboration

Niiiiiice! I wake up to one mellow one that I really like then this. Variety is goooood. Lots of talent here and nice to see folks working together!

P.S. - I like the knob twiddling at the end. Nice touch.
just downloaded the new mix! it sounds better..

yes all the mix goofs were my fault, but what did you expect?! :D It had to have problems because I was involved.. the song originated with a really fat ass to it and I didn't want to get rid of that this time..

Once again, thanks for doing this Tom! It's a trip for me hearing you song on top of my mud.. Hopefully we do more soon!

thanks for the comments on my end.. SLuiCe finished the tune!

I think people in the clinic tend to always want louder vocals, but there's lots of heavy music where the vocals are mixed like an instrument.. some 'deftones' for example.. just a thought..

I can't really add much to what has already been said so far:(

It's a killer track that needs real drums and louder vocals!!

Oops! that's already been said!

Sorry.:cool: that I have BOTH of you together in this thread, I can tell you both at the same time... You BOTH suck...but in a good way!:)

sammy...nice leads. A little more "traditional", and I was able to start and "understand" them this time. Gagne...nice singing too. Actually I was liking this over most of your other stuff... so you need some piercings, some tattered clothing, and a lousy attitude towards society...and some substance problems to keep you on this track!!.. We all know Sam is already there!!
Mix was so so...but the performances were great. Kinda what anyone might expect at this stage. If you guys need an electric banjo player in your band and some experiences in how to drool while picking...look me up.
Toki- Thanks Kenny. Yea, I think we did pretty well together. We both got it to a point where we liked it, and we both agreed the clinic probably wouldn't. LOL! But that's cool. We had fun chatting about the tune and various other funny shit. Collabs rule. Cheers.

Piltdownman- I hope you got into it as much as it your post suggests. I appreciate that, and I'm sure Sam does too. But I also hope you realize there's no reason to play down your music here. It's really good. The clinic can feel like a popularity contest, and I hope you don't get sucked into that, because I'd hate to see it affect your creativity. Don't get me wrong- this is a good place to learn. But we call come from different musical places, and we must absolutely be true to ourselves. This may seem to come a propos of nothing, but I respect your approach and hope you keep doing it. Thanks for listening to me and Sam make noises.

participant- There's plenty for you to rip up. You should enjoy it. :)

fprodsouth- Thanks man. We could probably have got a little better separation if Sam had my vocal tracks in his mixer. But I layered my vocals over a single wave and tried to blend them in that way. Lazy man's method. This thread kinda confirms that that approach is just that- the lazy man's method. :) LOL Cheers man.

powderfinger- say more. :) j/k Thanks.

The Ghost of FM- I wouldn't turn the vocals up for less than $1000. I might take 800 after a couple beers. Thanks for listening.

mixmkr- aye sir. I'm hard at work on the lousy attitude toward society. The rest should come easy after that. :) Thanks dawg. :D
By the way you guys are funny with the stars. It's like a tug of war. I mean 7 votes? Find something better to do. LOL. I'm going to rate this thing one star right now just to spite you all. And then maybe I'll talk to someone important about having the rating system removed from the clinic. You'd this think this was American Bandstand or something.
I just saw a thread with no responses and 5 stars...????
Sw/1 *
Won't do you any good. I one-starred it down to a 3.88 average. Now no one will listen! muhahahahahahahahah! (with a 2.7 second reverb tail, and a 50ms predelay)

By the way, can you believe it's September already? Wow this year has flown...
Ah... now those guitars/bassline prove you could pull off "Jesus Christ Pose", Sam... admit it.

Great use of what you guys have. Vocals guitars 788's drum pads Rolands reverbs Sonars nuts imagination FX...

The approach here is different this time... repeatedly ream the ears with this until some semblance of the King's English condensates, to connect logic with feeling...

Spasmic salvos. Super wanks. That's just the last 10 seconds! :eek:

A flight rising into hell. How these erstwhile unspoken phrases line up in your streams of conscience, Tom, I'll never understand... you'd fail to be honest if you both never understood the talent you both have for CRANKING OUT THIS STUFF SO G** D*** FAST!! Coherent lyrics are the key, and you're the guy at Lowe's with the grinder, and pile of blanks.

Resonation with reality. World is much sugarplum. This song carves the cavities. Brutal honesty expressed thru waveform.

Liberation. A "fuck yeah" shouted at the proud, complacent, and condescending. The disturbing thought that repeats is ... "maybe these
phrases ARE spoken... as Tom shuffles around... mumbling under his breath, preaching to his own mind choir... horrified onlookers wishing he'd quit his job and move far away from them :) (oh... well, you DID quit your job :D)

So, you jumped in with both feet. Quit your job. And Samicide Airlines has spirited you far away... now, both dance around the fires with the sick grins... you stare back with a smug look and a tightly gripped brewski or six.... and the "f*ck you's", while unspoken, are deafening unto the crowd of comfortable, safe and sound nobodies.

Tom, you have such a gift of being able to string words and phrases into the most complex, melodically interesting, and yet coherent mind-fucks of anyone I can think of. (compliment, I think ;))

The soundtrack to your mind, Sam, must be a hellish thing to comprehend... hundreds... thousands of brutal, betimes beautiful, intricate, angry, sad, hopeful souls... melding and disseparating... powering up and down... driving you insane at the inability to hold them each one at a time... all of them repeating over and over at
the same time... without provocation.

If only you could understand them... you might understand yourself. Hopefully nobody will figure
them out before you catch on... this catharsis you do by recording
as many of them as you can to 788 is really incredible for all us

This thing proves that pure reality, in song form cannot easily be digested... nor described... after many listens, I feel I've only scratched the surface... which surface softly bled, but then quit.

Great performances all around... great energy... all about the energy... effortless... the honesty of this makes me believe in honesty, which makes me believe that there's a purpose. Right and
wrong. Good and bad. This thing draws the line, and it ain't lyin.

Bringing Sam/Tom together is as much in harmony with honesty and REALITY as anything has ever been. Ruth & Gehrig. Siskel & Ebert. Wayne & Garth. Beavis & Butthead. Butter & jelly. macle & Erland??

I wanna soak up the sun? :eek: I wanna tell everyone to lighten up? :eek: FUCK THAT!!!!!! :p

Sam--you are the sickest guitar player I've ever heard! (and I mean that as a compliment!) Between the whammy pedal and the e-bow and god knows what else, you are carving your own territory! This was just too cool and a million miles away from anything I'd ever even THINK about attempting. A melting pot of influences and a lot of original ingredients too.

SluiCe--it sounds like this song was WRITTEN for you! I dug the vocals a lot, but I too wanted MORE of them in some of the real heavy spots. You are getting washed away there sometimes. But, what do I know? I don't produce this style of music--maybe its supposed to be that way. I'd still turn 'em up!

Great job guys. You are having way too much fun!

fuckin' aye....:D

rock & roll metal-maniacs....
real head banging tunage gentlemen...

I don't know shit so, I can't say shit, except I like this .... :D
Is that a jet engine revving up on the intro?
very cool...

8mb?:eek: you guy's really hate me eh? Wait, don't answer that one:D . D/l this monster yesterday evening but didn't get a chance to listen till 5:00 this morning (on cans) but i'm going to smoke it thru the speakers this evening. Sounds like a great mix, from what I can tell..but that goes without saying when it comes to you two. Loved the riffage Sam! Your music is one of a kind..don't never change man..or else:mad: :D . Great vox Tom, hey you said a bad word in this...what if my wifes dog had of been in here and heard that:confused: :D haha, I loved it man..sounded a little P/floydish toward the end. Can't wait till I can hear this on the boxes! Great tune! And no i'm not being "clinic nice" either:D *****
LMAO @ this thread!

Just wanted to say thanks for the comments, and Chad's response deserves stars of it's own.. I didn't realize how similar the first riffs are to Soundgarden..

thanks for keeping it fair mixmkr! :D

I know this mix sounds very thick to some, but I don't think it's to a damaging point, and it sounds similar to some other metal I have.. I do wish it had more top end though..

this was only the second song I recorded in my new place.. the first one was a mellow piano thing..

I really like what Tom did from the first time I heard it.. more collabs to come I hope..

We both knew that it wouldn't be a clinic favorite.. :D

Now, from the heart of hell I stab at this thread with a devastating 1 start rating!


participant- I would never demand or even expect that sort of interest and insight here. We're all musicians with limited time and attention spans. But like some of Dobro's "critiques", one could set your observations to music as a spoken word- or a thesis, it's so perceptive and well expressed. How to gather as much reality and feeling into the music as possible without the whole thing caving in not easy. It's hard to do this sort of thing and not come off as pretentious. It is, after all, just music. And what is music but simply entertainment right? hmm. I don't know really. It's different for everyone. For me music is a place to lay things out where I can get a good look at them. In music you can be honest, if you're capable of honesty at all. But then again, without music in my life, I may never have learned what honesty really meant for me. And this might be why I cling to it so much, and abandon so much else. My best friend, a fine musician/artist who is no longer with us, was very emphatic about total expression- not thinking, just doing. Getting it all out there. Organize it later if you must. What I would give to be working with him again. But not to dwell, but to remember, it's now simply time to go. And keep going. I'll tell you I'm both scared and empowered by the depth that music can reach. It could either paralyze me or drive me forward. Ring ring "Hello. Please leave a message after the tone." "Hi this is Jamie from XYZ Reservations. You have been selected to receive 5 days and 4 nights..." *pick up phone, stop answer machine* "Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhh...." click. ugh. Where was I? I don't know, Chad. I should probably get away from the clinic for a while after this. I wouldn't normally post something like this response, but you've just stirred me up a bit. And you've taken the time to tell Sam and I how the music felt to you. What can I add but to thank you? (Sam's going, what the fuck was that, dude? LOL)

crawdad- Yep more vocals...thanks. Hey I saw your post in my "sessions" thread. Thank you for that. Since I posted that thread I've decided that I wouldn't want to devote too too much time to that anyway. If it works out that I get some of that work, then great. But I think there some more important things to pursue. Thank you again for all your help. It's no secret what a good soul you are.

joro- Thanks Joe. Metal maniacs..LOL. I'll have to remember that one. Hope it didn't hurt your head too much. Cheers.

freshears- Yea sorry about the file size. I would normally post in 192kbit. But since we had this went through a few generations (Instruments mixed to wave, vocal over single wave, mixed to wave, converted to MP3), I couldn't stand the thought of further degradation. Glad you enjoyed it man.
Cool powerful song. Nice harmonies for the most part. Good guitar playing. I always admire Sam's "thick" sound. The SLuiCe "haunting" sound came through nicely on this. It really sounds like a collab - a true mix of styles. Both of you got your signature on it.

Vocals need to cut through a little better in spots. You mentioned some mix issues you're aware of and I'd guess that's one of them. It's gotta be hard to get vox to cut through the guitar sounds.

At 2:23 in the "f" sound in "motherfucker" it sounds like you spit a little bit. In the 2:50's, there's some vocal oddities going on. Little clicks - I believe in the vocal track.

The harmonies through 3:12-3:45 aren't as smooth as I think they can be.

Cool little thing at the end.
Hey!!! did you just switch to alfalfa avatar?? I saw that!

This sounds excellent. I wanna hear the vox more, I agree that there still sitting a little bit back.

Amazing leads in this great stuff Sam, the vox vocals sound right on for this. I know some people have said that they prefer Tom's voice for the gentler music but i think when it has the harder edge it brings out the best in him.

Overall i'd say I can imagine this track being a new plateau, it makes me forget about mix issues and think about artistry. Excellent work all around.
SLuiCe said:
Pedullist- Liar. :)


Love the guitarwork. Vocals seemed a bit dry the first run (you somehow expect B.'s own vocals on music like this I guess ;) ), but I like it now.

Your guitarwork is getting weirder and weirder, B. Terrific.