Sad But True

Greg_L said:
Hey F.S., you should try the vocals on this. Your style rocks. :)

Thanks, but I barley pulled off the one I am working on :D I've had a sore throat that keeps hanging on. I'll check an see what register I can I can sing it in and Chime up later.

*edit* I could do it. not sure how pretty it would be :o If I get some time I'll see what I can do.

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I dinked with this a bit, and never got into a good groove. It might be beyond what I can do.... :o

This is my best effort.

Sad Demo
P-J said:
Thanks mate-- I'll take a listen when I get home from work!
Don't expect much....I didn't have a ton of time to mess with it, so never really got the timing down. And my voice is pretty weak. :o

It's a cool tune though, so I will try and mess with it more, and maybe I can pull something better out. Thanks for posting it.
Okay i wanna give you a nice compliment..
I've heard maybe 10different cover versions of hellmarch..But you nailed it pretty damn good! Really great work!
Sad but true was nice too! But hellmarch made me feel more like home...Drop D 4 the world! :D
OK I got a little time

Just for you Greg :D

I gave it a shot. This is a quicky. Didn't spend much time mixing so if you think the levels are off or somthing I can work on it later if you like.
Loudend the mix up a bit. Should have cleaned up the break & end, but maybe later.

Some week words hear and there :rolleyes: Reading and singing at the same time has never been my strong suite :D

Does the delay sound ok??

Hey this is my first collab :p

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Dogman, your version is cool too. Different feel to it. But theres some timing issues that kind of throw it off. The recording quality and effects are superb though. Sounds really good.
Good stuff!
Haven't listened to the one with vocals yet, but the guitar playing is dead on.
The guitar tone is different but it works. Nice and heavy!
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Hehe. Thanks guys-- They're both cool!!

It's great to see the same song sung in many different ways ;)

Dogman-- Let me know if you have 'another go' and how you get on :)
Freudian-- Very cool voice man ;) Would you be able to also sing the part between the two solos too?

Cheers guys, this my first collab too ;)
P-J said:
Hehe. Thanks guys-- They're both cool!!

It's great to see the same song sung in many different ways ;)

Dogman-- Let me know if you have 'another go' and how you get on :)
Freudian-- Very cool voice man ;) Would you be able to also sing the part between the two solos too?

Cheers guys, this my first collab too ;)

Shit I missed something? Told you I was reading :D I sang all the words on the page :p I'll check it out and see what I can do.

*** Edit****. It's there, I had it muted on mixdown. I will mix it down and let you know when I update the file.


Thank you too Greg!

Ok I updated the file.

If I get a chance at some point I will try to do the echoing backups on the part between the solo's for ya. Might fix a couple spots too.

The vocals are pretty dry. Just some verb. I might try a little delay also??
What do you think?


FS, I like what you did. That's pretty cool. I'm going to use yours as a guide, and se if I can fix some timing issues, but that won't help me sound any better... :D
Nice one Freudian, just checking out now.

Whatever cool stuff you want to do, I'm game :)

Would it help if I passed you a 320kps MP3 or perhaps a FLAC file?
P-J said:
Nice one Freudian, just checking out now.

Whatever cool stuff you want to do, I'm game :)

Would it help if I passed you a 320kps MP3 or perhaps a FLAC file?

If you want to send me a 320 it might help. Couldn't hurt. Seems like the mp3 is holding me back on the compression end of things. I havn't really spent any time trying to mess with the loudness but I can tell it wants to bring up a little harshness and that may be the mp3 encoding rearing it's head. I'm not sure if I can get that big of a file via email though. Do you have a way of hosting it?

Freudian Slip said:
Do you have a way of hosting it?

Yeah, many ways ;]

How big are you prepared to download? I think a lossless FLAC would come in at about 30MB or so (?)
P-J said:
Yeah, many ways ;]

How big are you prepared to download? I think a lossless FLAC would come in at about 30MB or so (?)

30mb is fine. I don't know if I can import a flac file to sonar though?
I'm not familier with the term. I know I can't do wma. As far as I know I can only do pcm/wave and mp3.

Whats the wave? 100mb or so? Size is not an issue as long as the server is decent. I'm on cable.
