rough Acoustic Sample

SnakeDog5050 said:
Cool, thanks for the second listen True. Thanks to all the recommendations above I think it's improved. I'm still not crazy about the bass sound, I'll keep adjusting a bit. :D
Will we be hearing your organ rumble on this one? :eek: :D
Can I uncover my eyes now Snake? :D ;)

Quite a wild array of mechanisms you got there in that organ. How many functions does it have? Looks to be an orgy lover's dream. :D :p

Is that tubes I see inside the lid Snake?
I thought the accoustic guitar sounded fine. I don't have much advice for recording accoustic guitars but have recorded them on occasion. I usually play with the mic position until finding the sweet spot, and that can be different on each song. I thought the song itself was screaming for some kind of counter-melody on the bass insead of following the pattern of the rest of the rest of the song so closely. This doesn't necesarily mean i'm correct about this, but this is what I was thinking when listening. I liked the whole vibe of the tune though and the drums sound real. I'm guessing they are.

nice job
Psycho llamas sounds pretty cool, man. :) Although, it sounded a little rumbly in places. Maybe 'coz of the techno hip-hop'ish bass mix. Or just 'coz I have my home theater set to bass-high.

True - If you can believe it, I have an even better organ pic I will have to find and scan in! It displays some of the endless functions I am capable of while using it ;)

Ray J - Thanks for the review, appreciate it. When listening back I agree about the bass, I personally always dig it when a song has a more interesting bass part and this one does just kind of follow along. I'll change the tone a bit, then have some more fun with it when I record the real song, see how it turns out. The drums are put together with real recorded samples. I've been using Simon Phillips classic rock pack the last year or so and thought the drum tracks have turned out better than anything I used to use. Thanks again ;)

Bubba - cool you liked the experiment :) That bass in the llamas song is a bit mysterious when I listen back, like the llamas. On some systems the bass sounds awesome, on others it sounds rumbly. I'll have to put it somewhere between.

Alrighty, thanks everyone for recommendations, definitely helped me out here... now it's on to recording the real songs :D :D
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