Recording Drums?


New member
Could you guys tell me what is needed for recording drums? Its for a friend who Ill be recording some stuff for him. Do you need individual mics, or can you use a single one?
either would work.

check out the search function and you'll come up with a lot better idea of what you'll need...then ask again when it comes down to specifics

It depends on the mics. I'll use two overheads, sdc or ldc, and a kick mic. or two royer 122s, or sm57s on tom tops with senn 421s on the bottoms and a sm57 on the snare along with a sdc on the side, an internal kick, and an external kick, along with a pair of ldc or sdc for overheads (usually akg 414s). Or sometimes a good omni ldc. It depends on the style of music. What style of drumming? What mics do you have?
Im not sure what style, but tomorrow Ill know. Ive got no mics, my friend will be buying them. And what mixer etc. do I need?
I use 8 mics:

overhead-2 akg 430
toms-3 sennheiser e604
highhat-mxl 603 condenser
kick drum-akg d112

i have done drum recordings with at least snare mic, kick mic and 1 over head anything less will take away too much.

Unless you have a really good condenser and even then you would have to position it to get a wide arrangement of sounds.

Drums are a pain in the neck very dynamic so be prepared to use eq and just get the sound close and be ready to just let it be rather then try to get it perfect...if you hear all of it (cymbals,toms,snare,kick)then let it be.

hopefully he'll get a beta 52 etc... and a couple of sdcs. I like api 3124+ for drus, but any console will do the job. Get the best possible, a&h, mackie at least, if no high end is available. How are you recording it (Protools, logic, tape etc...)?