Recording cymbals, high hat and ride?

Paul Garvin

New member
I have been using a piar of Octava MK 021's for recording my percussion. I have them over head aimed across in a 90 degree pattern. I run them, along with my other mics, through a pre-amp, then into an echo layla, and then into my laptop using cakewalk home studio 2.0.

I have had a hard time figuring out how to place the mics so that I can get good pickup from the high hat and ride without having the cymbals crash through really loud. If I turn down the gain I lose some of the high hat and ride. If I boost it back up the cymbals are too loud. I have tried using the compression and gating, but it still does not have a good enough signal to start with.

Anybody else have this problem? Anyone else ever experimented with mic placement as a fix. How are you all recording the percussion side of things. I fanally got my snare, toms and kick where I want them. Now all I need is to straighten out the cymbals. Thanks in advance,

Paul Garvin
Well since your not micing the hats and ride seperatly u could try lowering the crash cymbals and not crashing so hard. Loud cymbals are good live but i find that playing the cymbals like i do live in the studio is a little over the top. IMO