Real Cello - Fem Rocker #4

this was a good idea, sounds like you are ready to start doin some collabs and throw those strings on some clinic stuff.

The song was good, she sounds hot pleeze tell me she's hot

I would have to say not only do you give the most detailed feedback in the clinic but you'll also win the award for the most lengthly song descriptions on Nowhere radio. Congrats!!
i'm buying her first cd. i really like her music.

i think you should try an arrangement that's just strings. no guitar. that would be very cool.

i think you played well on this but i can't hear it very well. you mixed it too modestly.

really, try it with just a string quartet.

that's a great great song! i'll be listening to that the rest of the week.
Nice song, good playing.

Crank it up, I could barely hear the cello. Sits its in a different range as the voice, you wont get in the way. Very nice
I like the arrangements, really added a lot. Ditto on bringing them up in the beginning.

I don't know if you were going for the sound, but I thought the cello timbre sounded a bit synthetic. Maybe they had more reverb that the rest of the mix? I'd go for a very natural cello sound on that tune, with only enough verb to give a sense of room.

Loved the singer!