Rabbit Can Read

Thanks for the additional comments.

Mouth noise remains a problem...the verse might sound better a littler slower TripleM...but to be honest I'm not rerecording those vocals if I can avoid it, it takes me a super long time.

Schwarzenyaeger, that's interesting. I didn't compress them because I felt it sounded worse when I did.

Rob thanks for the in-depth thoughts, that helps a lot. I was (am) having trouble figuring out what the problem is, which makes it hard to fix. But what you said makes sense. I'm not a Bat for Lashes fan but I just listened to some, and that's a good tip too. Thanks for the praise on the vocal arrangement, no master plan there, just trial and error. I don't have any plans to dramatically change that rhythmic contrast.
Thanks for the additional comments.

Mouth noise remains a problem...

Join the club! It really wasn't that bad though. :) I really loved the parts where you go into the 'page turns....' that is really very sweet sounding. I'm not sure about the clap sound at the start, bit harsh, or perhaps just too loud? Cool song though, the mix sounds good.
Refreshing to hear something like this on here. I think the sing is great and could be better with some tweaking.

I am not of fan of some of the sounds though like a lot of people here. Its all about YOUR vision though, if you like them then keep them.
Thanks Frits. Yeah, we both have a similar problem with that noise...I guess it's being too close to the mic, but on the other hand, for some songs, I feel like I can only do the words the way I want when I am singing quietly/close to the mic. I'll have to try to remember to back up, but not change the way I'm singing, and see how that goes next time.

Thanks Bruthish. That is the valuable but tricky thing about getting feedback!
I didn't hear the first run, but the song really shines. Not huge on techno drums, but I can like what I'm hearing here, because it fits the song very well. :)
I actually didn't hear any big changes in the drums myself? I A/B'd the two version for a while thinking I was missing something.

It sounds like they got EQ'd to be a little less harsh and maybe they're quieter now? I guess I shouldn't have expected a complete 180 with an entirely different kit or anything. It fits the song, which is very original. I do think the claps are integrated better with less panning. They sit in the mix more now as opposed to jumping out of it.

Subtle changes to be sure, but positive ones I think. Still love what you did with the vocals in the chorus. Very creative. :)