Pt crashes every time on session close


Well-known member
Weird. Been doing this for a while. I'll close a session, it asks about saving it, and as soon as I hit save it crashes.

Then i have to reboot the computer to open up pt again. Oddly everything I did in my last session is as I left it. So it must be saving something.
Any ideas, Steen ?
Seems you're the one always answering my pt questions.
I saw the AVID logo lighting up in the sky and came as quick as I could. :p

I don't think I've seen this first hand but I think I'd try creating a new blank session then saving and quitting, to rule out any media/locations/plugins etc.
If you're saving to an external location, try creating a session on desktop as a test.

If you still see the problem under those circumstances, I'd quit PT and run the preferences trasher app and restart.

What version and OS are you running? My experience with 8 and older is that preference trasher app should have a shortcut. ;)
Ah, the AVid beacon worked! :D

I'm running windows 7

I spent some time cleaning stuff out and it's working better now.

First off, since i installed elevenrack, that bastard hijacked my audio I/O. Protools was still using my normal interface, but anything else audio was going to the elevenrack outputs which aren't even hooked up!
Fixed that.

Second I'm running both PT and Reaper.

Reaper has this thing of creating peakfiles along with the wave files. So PT, when looking for files, always gave me a 'files not found' error message.

Any wav files that are stored that have been used in reaper, now have both the wav, and the 'peak' files. It's no longer just a folder for wav files.

I was sctraching my head, as to why 16 wav files could turn into 32.

Gonna have to figure out a way to seperate out stuff.

I think why it wasn't crashing before was that I had all my sessions in the 'recent sessions'

The studio was taken down for a few months and when I hooked it up again, 'recent sessions' was gone.

I think PT got confused and started crashing.

Hope any of that made sense.

More experiments and investigation is needed.
I'm no help with ProTools, but with Reaper there is an option to store your peak files in their own folder. I haven't tried this myself (although now I will soon), but take a look at Preferences/Media -> "Put new peak files in peaks/ subfolder relative to media". I think that'll start storing the peak files in a subfolder and leave the WAV files where they normally are.
Ah good to know!

It's great fun getting all these beasts to play nice with each other. Lol :D

I sincerely think the peak files has to do with PT crashing. Because sessions that have wav files that have never been in Reaper have zero issues! No crash, Nada!
The presence of Reaper peak files should cause any issue but from your description it sounds like these are wavs that both ProTools and Reaper are accessing at different times?
That, I imagine, could cause all sorts of problems, particularly if one makes changes to the files.

Might be nothing to do with nothing but any audio files in a Protools session should be squirreled away in that session's /audio folder, and nothing else should access them.
Aha! Eureka!!!!
As soon as I got rid of the reaper 'peak' files, no more protools crashing.

Now I gotta figure out the moving of the peak files reaper creates into their own folder.
Thanks for the tip on that, Tadpui.
Mine defaulted to the correct path when I installed Reaper (Win 10).

Preferences / General / Paths

I'll have a look at my preferences later tonight. Thanks

Edit: manually I went in and did the setup as pictured. My reaper had that path with nothing at all. No default, that I could find anyway.

We'll see what happens.

Funny, but what started out as a PT issue morphed into a reaper thread. :D
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This is starting to piss me off. I've cleaned everything reaper related out so repeaks is not an issue.

Everything in the session works fine no crash at all. Then I hit save, next close session. Bam! Get the protools has stopped working, and i have to shut down the computer and reload PT.

Oddly enough. I'll reopen the previous session and everything is in fact saved the way I last had it.

Just annoying because I can't just close a session.
Damn man. :( What happened to Eureka? Problem came back?

...try creating a new blank session then saving and quitting, to rule out any media/locations/plugins etc.
If you're saving to an external location, try creating a session on desktop as a test.

If you still see the problem under those circumstances, I'd quit PT and run the preferences trasher app and restart.

Did you do any of this?
I did the blank session. Loaded up the tracks. It was fine for a while. Then tracked some new guitars and now mixing. I have no new plugins. Only using stock plugs and I have izotope nectar on the master buss.
What is the preference trasher app????
Someone's made an app for it, although you can do it 'by hand' too.
Google 'trash protools preferences' for instructions, or try out this app.

Disclaimer; I don't run windows so I haven't used this particular app but historically protools preferences has been a 'trash them first, ask question later' affair.
PT12 has been super smooth for me but prior to that a trasher app lived on my desktop for convenience.
Hmmm looked at that link. Not really getting it.
I don't see what preferences has to do with it crashing.
Still trying to make sense of it.
It's just a can't-lose troubleshooting step.
Still don't know what PT version you're running, I don't think, but, as I said, some versions seemed to be just riddled with hiccups.

How often would you be required to delete a handful of preference files before you'd consider going to the trouble of publishing an app that does it for you? :p

Like I say, 12 has been smooth for me but all other versions taught me that any troubleshooting, without having trashed preferences, has a great chance of being a total waste of time.
Running PT 10 with windows 7

I followed your google search and found on AVID's own site instructions for trashing the preferences. Followed it step by step.

See, one issue here is a lack if computer savvy, or lack of being computer literate. :D

For one, I had no concept of how trashing 'preferences' was possibly related or could have any benefit. Also, how would having these folders that you're 'trashing' contribute to a crash??

So buying an app even though it's only 5 bucks wasn't desireable. Besides it's just one more thing on my computer to confuse me. :D

Anyway, did it manually.

Now, it won't load my last session grrrr.
Even when I find my pt session folder.

More learning, more overcoming of this strange computer jungle.

Edit; found my session :)
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So buying an app even though it's only 5 bucks wasn't desireable. Besides it's just one more thing on my computer to confuse me. :D

Oops, didn't realise that guy was looking for $$. There are/were free versions but they do the same as manually finding/deleting.
Hopefully it'll solve your problem. If not, it will some day. ;)
Doing a bit more study, it seems this 'trash apps' function is the first step in almost all PT troubleshooting.
On the Avid site, it's laid out pretty simply, so its quick and easy. I dont see the need for an app to do it for you.
What they dont tell you is all the resetting of stuff you'll need to do afterwards lol :D

Messed with the mix, hit save, hit close session......right back where we started.
Protools app has stopped working. Gotta close PT and restart computer. Crap!

When I restart computer and reload PT, everything that I changed in the mix has indeed been saved.

It's just a pain in the ass. I can't just save a session and move on to another one without rebooting everything.

God, I hate technology. Really makes me want to stick with full analog sometimes.
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