PSA: Do NOT try this at home!

Aw man, if thread is to be believed the guy did something very unwise, and died. Horrifically tragic. Sure, make fun of the guy, but who here hasn't done something stupid, light a bottle rocket up your ass. Amirite.
Yeah, I have. Not quite that stoopid, but yes, I certainly have
Remember . . . I'm the guy who (in my younger days) threw cupfuls of gasoline into 55 Gal drums and dropped a match. This was in a salvage yard and the barrel was full of trash.

bad can.jpg
I may go to NPB or Loxahatchee area. I’m living here and there and searching for a place I like to stay for awhile. It’s much better than Broward and definitely Dade county up here and I dig that. Jupiter is a little pricey, though and I do not dig that.

Back in the day - early to mid twenties - being in the air conditioning business... I always had an oxygen/acetylene torch kit on my truck. So, around the 4th of July one year me and my buddies decided that we'd make a bomb. The recipe was as follows: Approx. 2/3 pure acetylene, 1/3 pure oxygen - pressurized into a large heavy duty Hefty bag (you know, the big green ones) and sealed with tape once it was completely filled - and then attach a really long fuse in the form of twisted toilet paper. Probably 25 feet long. We'd take this thing to an open, unoccupied area of a local park.... light the fuse, and then drive a block or two away. And wait.

I cannot begin to easily convey how loud these things were. *BOOM* <---- the font doesn't get any bigger but it should be about 50 times larger. I bet you could hear this thing at least 5-7 miles away. Maybe more. It was an enormous explosion. I remember the first one we made was using just a small bathroom waste paper basket bag - and we were astonished at how loud it was. So the Hefty seemed like the logical next step. :-) We had no idea it was going to be that big of a noise.

Keep in mind that this was in the Huntington Beach area (usually) of Orange County. It would take just minutes for the helicopter to arrive and for the neighborhood to be swarming with cop cars. And it was like that every time. Helicopter overhead with the spot light scanning.

There was rarely much evidence of what happened. The bags would nearly vaporize. Just a few tiny shreds here and there. So... not much evidence. And as long as you weren't near it - entirely harmless.

That's just one anecdote. Oh man.... do I have others.

Yeah. Fun times. Stupid. But fun.
Had someone said to him - "that's really dangerous, don't do it" I wonder if it would have made any difference, or were there people chugging beer and guffawing thinking it was hilarious as they watched him do it.

Doing some looking on Facebook if it's the guy I'm pretty sure it is based on posts by his girlfriend it looks like he left behind a young son. It's a shame.

Back in the day - early to mid twenties - being in the air conditioning business... I always had an oxygen/acetylene torch kit on my truck. So, around the 4th of July one year me and my buddies decided that we'd make a bomb. The recipe was as follows: Approx. 2/3 pure acetylene, 1/3 pure oxygen - pressurized into a large heavy duty Hefty bag (you know, the big green ones) and sealed with tape once it was completely filled - and then attach a really long fuse in the form of twisted toilet paper. Probably 25 feet long. We'd take this thing to an open, unoccupied area of a local park.... light the fuse, and then drive a block or two away. And wait.

I cannot begin to easily convey how loud these things were. *BOOM* <---- the font doesn't get any bigger but it should be about 50 times larger. I bet you could hear this thing at least 5-7 miles away. Maybe more. It was an enormous explosion. I remember the first one we made was using just a small bathroom waste paper basket bag - and we were astonished at how loud it was. So the Hefty seemed like the logical next step. :-) We had no idea it was going to be that big of a noise.

Keep in mind that this was in the Huntington Beach area (usually) of Orange County. It would take just minutes for the helicopter to arrive and for the neighborhood to be swarming with cop cars. And it was like that every time. Helicopter overhead with the spot light scanning.

There was rarely much evidence of what happened. The bags would nearly vaporize. Just a few tiny shreds here and there. So... not much evidence. And as long as you weren't near it - entirely harmless.

That's just one anecdote. Oh man.... do I have others.

Yeah. Fun times. Stupid. But fun.
Some friends of mine were doing this and static electricity set it off while they were filling the bag. The guy standing over the bag got blown 20 feet and the side of his face was scorched and he lost his hearing in that ear. He told me later that when he got home, his wife asked "what the hell happened to you?". I don't know if he ever told her. I was very happy I was not around that day.
Some friends of mine were doing this and static electricity set it off while they were filling the bag. The guy standing over the bag got blown 20 feet and the side of his face was scorched and he lost his hearing in that ear. He told me later that when he got home, his wife asked "what the hell happened to you?". I don't know if he ever told her. I was very happy I was not around that day.
Yes, I hear you. I mentioned it was "stupid". I stand by that comment.
Aw man, if thread is to be believed
Are you actually questioning the veracity of what I posted?
Dead man's younger brother has since set up a "go fund me" page to raise money to cover funeral expenses.
In the meantime, there's no further comment being offered up from the Westerly police department concerning their "investigation", which doesn't surprise me.
Additionally, as of today, dead man's family hasn't posted an obituary anywhere.
Are you actually questioning the veracity of what I posted?
Dead man's younger brother has since set up a "go fund me" page to raise money to cover funeral expenses.
In the meantime, there's no further comment being offered up from the Westerly police department concerning their "investigation", which doesn't surprise me.
Additionally, as of today, dead man's family hasn't posted an obituary anywhere.

No, I wouldn't say that. Apologies if that was your impression. Such stupidity is difficult to believe, and out of curiosity looking up the story the police are not confirming the tile on the head story, or they seem unsure exactly what happened. I still think it should be thoroughly investigated.
No, I wouldn't say that. Apologies if that was your impression. Such stupidity is difficult to believe, and out of curiosity looking up the story the police are not confirming the tile on the head story, or they seem unsure exactly what happened. I still think it should be thoroughly investigated.
I can't believe there isn't a video or was a live stream on Tik Tok....