probably the Toughest Instrument to record:

LOL, that sounds familiar :). Then I upgraded. About the time I made it to 8 years old or so, I had a whole kit put together (minus the kick) out of varying sized Hills Bros. coffee cans with the newfangled plastic lids. For cymbals, I just turned the cans upside down and used the metal side! :D

And, just to be clear, whether it's metal, hip hop, Gregorian chants or Tuvan throat singing, I do think it's great that there is such a large interest in music generated by today's technology. I just wish their respect of the music were as large as their interest in it, and that they realized that regardless of the technology, that music creation has to retain its humanity for it to remain viable.

Welcome to the board, BTW :).


+1..I agree with you 100%...and thank you!!!:)
What I'm knocking is that there's waaaay too many people these days who think that just because the technology has advanced to the point where they *can* record themselves, that they *should*. There is such an impatience to get one's stuff up on meSpace that they forget that they gotta acquire the stuff to begin with.


Yeah. It seems to me these days that people buy and half learn to play an instrument because they want to record and release hit record, and they got a free trial of fuity loops or something with a magazine. As opposed to those of us who were playing instruments for years before we decided we needed to put some stuff down on tape.

I only started recording so I would remember the stuff I wrote. I had no illusions. My memory is pretty crappy, and I'd come up with some awesome guitar riff and the next day it would be gone. People have it so backwards.
Yeah. It seems to me these days that people buy and half learn to play an instrument because they want to record and release hit record, and they got a free trial of fuity loops or something with a magazine. As opposed to those of us who were playing instruments for years before we decided we needed to put some stuff down on tape.

I only started recording so I would remember the stuff I wrote. I had no illusions. My memory is pretty crappy, and I'd come up with some awesome guitar riff and the next day it would be gone. People have it so backwards. are also correct!! I think FL is why so much music sucks these days:D
To the op:

Not sure if an accordian is the "toughest instrument to record", but I'd approach it in different ways depending on the desired result. If the accordian was the main instrument or a large part of the mix I'd record xy with a pair of sdcs starting about 2 ft away but moving the mics to find the sweetest spot. If the accordian was in a busier mix I'd be tempted to try a single ldc or ribbon instead, similar placement. The room will be a big factor as well as the instrument of course. Close micing would be a last resort if the room was really horrible.

Off topic: FLStudio is like any instrument imho and the musicality of the outcome will depend on the musicality of the artist using it. There is great music made with it as well as dire music of course, just the same as guitarists (or accordianists). I love all good music including metal and hip hop, live acoustic recordings and programmed beats. This is my first post. Felt compelled to because of the FL/Hip Hop bashing. Just my 0.015 euros