Post your latest purchase!

Lenovo T530. I've had a Lenovo before and it was really good--the old machine still runs fine except the battery life is measured in seconds and the processor is an antique. They build them to order and allow a fair bit of customisation--the only lack was a Firewire port but it has an Express Card slot and I've ordered the necessary (with TI chipset) to plug in there.

Nice! Should keep you out of strife for a good while!
Nice! Should keep you out of strife for a good while!

Well, except for strife with my wife. I had to buy her an iPad as a quid pro quo for the money I spent. Once you add the laptop and iPad prices together, it's an expensive DAW.

I'm already seeing the benefits though...there's a mix I'm working on with 18 tracks that took about 20 seconds to open on the old computer. It's ready to go in under a second on the new machine. My next experiment is loading up a silly number of effects just to see how far I can push it!
Latest purchase? Pretty much all of this...


Now, if I could just find time to use it... :(

(apologies for the pic size... no way to reduce here at work...)
:D I have surround lava lamps!

The magnitude, complexity and abnormality of this effect is mind boggling. Makes you feel as though your right inside the lamps.

Am freaking out here man!!!! :eek:
Philips EL 3752/00 dynamic X-Y stereo mic.


:D I have surround lava lamps!

The magnitude, complexity and abnormality of this effect is mind boggling. Makes you feel as though your right inside the lamps.

Am freaking out here man!!!! :eek:

I use the lamp as insert on the interface when I'm looking for extra warmth in the sound...