Pop Filter any one?

I'd sell you mine, but it doesn't work.

I tried to use my Pop filter on a young lady singer a while back, and no matter how I set it, she still sounded like Bit'ney. It didn't work at all.

take care,
I suppose my little joke would have worked a lot better had I actually spelled "Brit'ney" with the "r" in there.

-C :D
Yo, Jskill. I think he was trying to filter out pop music. Are you still panhandling here? If you have to beg, go do it on the street. You'll make more money and you can use it to actually buy some gear.-Richie
Richard Monroe said:
Yo, Jskill. I think he was trying to filter out pop music. Are you still panhandling here? If you have to beg, go do it on the street. You'll make more money and you can use it to actually buy some gear.-Richie

Hey dick head how bought u mind your own bussniess .. im looking to BUY one off some one because i cant find a music shop around here ... thanks so think before u speak . Thank you for ur time

It shows u only Read The subject and just jumped to conclusions buddy
because I said BUY in the Message so get your Shit Stright

And i will not lower my self to argue with u im here on this bbs to learn not argue with strangers on the internet

and let me tell u i dont care how many posts u have or how long u been here or how much respect u get i aint taking your shit so get off my back and keep your rude unmeaningful comments to your self

no offence to any one else besides him

- skillz
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Richard Monroe said:
I'll sit up nights worrying about it. I believe *I'm* the one who's a life member of the NRA.-Richie

some of you guys waste alot of time just saying dumb shit to me
I dont want any trouble why Are you all starting with me for no reason at all

i see alot of immature adults :rolleyes:
Yo JS! I hereby apologize for ragging on your ass. So here's the Christmas spirit in action. If you can manage to write a simple short request, either in a post or PM/email, whatever- that contains *no* misspellings or punctuation errors, and give me any secure address (after I busted your ass, I'll certainly understand that you may not trust me- I wouldn't if I was you), I will send you one pop filter in good condition perfectly free, and pay the postage. It just so happens I recently switched to steel, and I have a couple of nylon pop filters I really don't use. This is my way of saying that I was over the top, and I'm not out to get you- at all.-Richie