Please check out this song

This is one of the best songs I've heard here, the vocal is great, very very catchy pop tune, Beatlesq, Tom Petty. I'd enter this in a song writers competition. I could nit pick, but the song and vox are so good I wont even bother. Really enjoyed it! Fantastic!
Nice one...crowded house, beatles, yup bit of everything....nice clear mix, loved the keys..liked the guitar riff..great vocals

I could say things about the could anyone, but theres really nothing wrong with it...

great stuff
WOW ! great, great song much better than a lot of the stuff on major labels. My only comment on the mix is the bass sounds like a tuba ! Very farty !
Please however bear in mind that I know nowt as thi say up ere. I think this would sit very nicely in the UK charts.
Awesome!!! I can't really add to anything anyone else has said, except that I think it is way too good to be a free download... I would buy it!!! :)
PDP, mixsit, kcearl, Jon Nolan, and GuitarLegend,

Thank you very much for the great comments. I'm a bit concerned about the bass, although who doesn't love a farty tuba.

Thanks again very much!
Well done sir. Reminded me of Squeeze a bit there at times.

It is a great recording and I have little to offer, but this certainly stood out as quality work to me. At first I thought maybe the vocals were a bit too dry, but by the end I no longer thought so...

I also was a bit let down by the first chorus not having a "bigger" sound (like more guitar parts or something), but again, by the end I felt you had created more buildup with each successive pass so I was satisfied in that regard. I like the way it neatly wrapped back into the simpler, tighter verses at the end of the chorus. That transition was nice. Vocals were well captured and really very well performed.

I liked the subtle tremolo (I think?) on the guitar and I thought the tuba farts were top notch. Thanks.
Hi macle,

I love the songwriting and the singing on this track. I also think the arrangement and production is top notch. For nits...unfortunately, I'm not super enthused about the mix. It might be a personal taste thing, but everything sounds like it's stacked up in the center, and I'd start by panning the guitars, organ, and drum overheads out in different areas of the stereo field. The low end seems too muddy to me, I think the kick and bass need more separation and the bass needs to be a little tighter sounding. I love the organ, but it's buried. I think panning might fix it, but you might also try complementary EQ boosting/cutting with some of the elements that are occupying the same basic frequency ranges. For instance, a very slight boost of say 3dB at 200 Hz on the guitars (I'm pulling these numbers out of the air) and then a very slight cut at 200Hz on the organ, might help separate things. I agree with the posts above, that this is a very good quality, but I think the mix needs a little more work to take it over the top and really showcase the song and the vocal the way they deserve.

This is a catchy, and very commercial song, so best of luck with it!


Dave DeWhitt
SoundClick artist: Dave DeWhitt - page with MP3 music downloads
GREAT SONG!!! I agree with dewhitt. For a home recording you did a good job, but it can use a little tweaking. If you need help I can fix your mix and master it for you for FREE. No strings. Let me know. you can email me at mixing @
Sounds good!

On first listen, I think maybe the bass could be a little deeper in the frequency range. The kick sounds a little muffled out. The mid to upper ranges sound very pleasing to me, and I love the melody.

So I'd work on the deeper frequencies. Great work, though!
@Macle - I mastered your song "Good Night Priscilla" with your permission I would like to post for you to listen or send it to you via yousendit. It sounds much better mastered. Great Song Also!!!
Thanks for sharing. I feel compelled to apologize for the fact that you had to seek out feedback for this song. It sounds great!
heatmeister-I did have a much wetter mix going, but than switched to much drier, but with it getting wetter as it went (mainly on the vocal). I sort of felt drier fit the song better somehow. Thanks very much!

Dave DeWhitt-Thanks very much for the mix advice. That is weird, that stacked up in the middle thing. The electrics, for example, are 2 panned, but then I add a 3rd "lead" one in the middle, so I suppose that muddles it up. And on the drums, I tried doing the Glyn Johns method (never tried it before), and so the panning is weird, wasn't really sure what was best for the overheads, and so I kept them kind of low as well. Anyway, thanks very much for the tips!

about2flip-Thanks very much for the offer, but you know us home recorders, it's all about torturing ourselves trying figure this junk out. Thanks again, though, that is really generous of you.

DrRay11-Thanks very much. Getting the uh, tuba farts and drums right is always a chore, I think my room and speakers don't help. Or the bass I use. Or maybe it was something I ate.

about2flip-oh wow, yeah post it up!

Wayne Rama-No need to feel sorry for me, that's my thing! Thanks very much.

beatlebum-Great! Thank you, I appreciate that!

Thanks everyone for the great comments, really really cool!!
Groovy tune. Very clean, vocals like John L meets Tom P. I dig it. Would be a great theme song for a TV show.

Are those acoustic drums? I liked the rythem section; had an old feel.
If I could I'd also do an uptempo version. Just a couple of bpm more; so I could 80's dance to it. ;)

Thanks. :cool:
Groovy tune. Very clean, vocals like John L meets Tom P. I dig it. Would be a great theme song for a TV show.

Are those acoustic drums? I liked the rythem section; had an old feel.
If I could I'd also do an uptempo version. Just a couple of bpm more; so I could 80's dance to it. ;)

Thanks. :cool:

Thanks. I'm a massive Lennon fan, so I appreciate that, I usually go even more in that direction. And I did sort of have Tom Petty in mind in a way, too, which is kind of odd (for me), but more recent Tom Petty, I guess.

Yep, acoustic drums with a towel on the snare!
Hey M! It's been a long time ... and coincidental that you reappeared a few days after I relistened to "The Buzz is Over". Are you still working with your female partner? What have you been up to musically -- did you go full time?

New tune sounds great btw ...


Hey Macle,

I am hanging my head in shame. I went back for another listen on headphones last night while I was on a different computer, and the mix sounded totally different to me. I was baffled, so I came back down here this morning to my recording computer with my good monitors and went back to the main link you posted. Somehow, when I listened to your mix the first time, it downloaded as an mpeg audio stream and it sounded totally different (compressed, mono, etc) than the mix I heard this morning, which I downloaded as a regular mp3. I apologize for being a moron and not double checking...I should have realized something was off on my end based on the very positive comments by so many people who posted before me whose opinions I trust.

Anyway, that said...I have listened again a couple of times and you can take all that stuff I said above and throw it out the window. I can't believe you didn't tell me I was a jackass and to just go get my ears This is really, really awesome work. I knew I loved the song, the arrangement, and the singing, but hearing the right mix instead of the compressed and messed up thing I heard before makes it so much better. I don't have a single nit, I think it's great and I wouldn't change anything. There has been some really awesome stuff posted in this forum, and this is one of the best for sure.

Best Regards,

Dave "I don't know how to download mp3s" DeWhitt
SoundClick artist: Dave DeWhitt - page with MP3 music downloads