Please check out this song

Damn good song, performance and mix! Sounds very pro to me, you've got more than your basics right. All I can say is WOW!:)
This belongs in the charts!
Kev-Hey, how ya doing! Can't believe you were listening to that song (Buzz), that is pretty cool. Unfortunately, nothing much happening with that project. I was working on a new "album" for a long time, but various frustrations kept getting in the way, hence, some "solo" stuff...which, come to think of it, is really more of the same. Thanks for checking out this one. (oh, as far as full time music goes, if you mean do I make any money, that'd be pretty much a big fat no!)

captainbeyond79- Thanks a lot! And very glad about the bass!

Dave "I don't know how to download mp3s" DeWhitt-Hey, that is good news. That Nowhereradio site seems messed in regard to streaming, I couldn't get it to work at all. I should probably put the song elsewhere-not good that it would screw up the sound like that. Anyway, thanks very much for taking the time to re-listen and the great comments, I appreciate it!

joeym-Alright, thanks! It is number 1 on the NowhereRadio charts, 95 plays!! :drunk: :p :)