Pics of drum recording I just did and an idea for you.

Dude, what will really make your drums sound better is mixing down the drums to one stereo track, duplicate it, then invert the phase. :laughings:

In all seriousness, I think you need a real kick mic. The speaker might work for texture, but not for body. You can try sampling a sine wave behind the click to make a fake "body." Still doesn't beat the real mics though.
The best way to record a kick drum is to use a suitcase with a small diaphragm condenser with the phantom power turned off pointing the other way. You people with your rigid methods make me sick. Think outside tEh box man.
Nope, we are good. I know when to stop feeding the trolls. Why would I continue this thread when the geriatrics can't even read. But thank you for thinking I posted the perfect way to record drums. Really, I'm quite honored.

You did sort of come off with a holier than thou attitude in your initial post - your tone was pretty definitive. You're kind of getting what you asked for.

Tough to say much of anything about the mix - I'm listening on a set of earbuds on my work laptop, which isn't exactly a hi fi sound system - but that's an AWFULLY clicky, thin kick, and a lot of the rest of the kit sounds dark and distant. I understand the need to not overdo the low end when working with low tuned guitars (I play a seven myself), but hell, listen to a Soilwork album. When the opening kick roll on "Stabbing the Drama" comes in, it feels like your chest is exploding.

Also, this "djent" thing needs to end. Like, now. Meshuggah was way better before every 16 year old wanted to sound like them. :/
This is what happens when you come in with your dick swinging and you can't back it up. The proof is in the pudding, and this dude's pudding is not very good.
This is what happens when you come in with your dick swinging and you can't back it up.
Which is why I stopped using the locker room at the gym. Last thing I want to do in a room full of swinging dicks is back up.:eek:
Ribbon mic on the kit

Best thread I've read in a while. Abundant with frank discussion. OK back to the subject at hand. I'm a home recordist and I recently recorded this band using only one homemade ribbon mic on the kit. I'm wondering what folks think. Go the the band link and hit track 4 as it is the most open sounding. All tracks were recorded the same with no EQ.
You ever listen to real metal and not hardcore? :spank:nation

As far as the recording, the guitars sounded great .


I fucking hate the new style of nonsense coming out right now. Everyone wants to have a J. Sturgis recording and sound like Attack Attack with stupid breakdowns and bass drops.
I'm a home recordist and I recently recorded this band using only one homemade ribbon mic on the kit. I'm wondering what folks think.
Well, it's an interesting result for just one mic; I liked it for the most part. On "I'm tore down", the kick is pretty non existent, but "Crosscut saw" is better and with the 'grunge' EQ setting on my computer, you can hear it well on "I'm so glad" and particularly "Born on the bayou".
I actually kind of like the raw un-EQ'd sound of drums so this was quite nice to listen to. I think it's well balanced.

To the OP, I won't make fun of what you posted. What'll be interesting will be to hear your end result when you're done with everything. The raw track didn't sound good although your suggestions were pretty sound. Most of them are workable in different contexts {although dintymoore will disagree with you on the cracked cymbals}. But like was pointed out, the final result is what counts.
I had one time where cracked cymbals were pretty cool. The drummer stacked 5 of them on top of each other. There was no sustain, but it was quite a unique trashy sound.

To bad the whole kit was a turd.
I had one time where cracked cymbals were pretty cool. The drummer stacked 5 of them on top of each other. There was no sustain, but it was quite a unique trashy sound.

To bad the whole kit was a turd.

EUREKA !!! That's it. I have to use multiple suitcases to get a good kick sound.
Thanks guys.
And they said it couldn't be done. :D

Yes, at least 5 suitcases. Don't be a cheap ass, make sure you get the good ones. Your going to want something vintage, from the 70s and over sized. Make sure the player is going through a midlife crisis and consistently rocks either a mickey mouse t shirt or something equally distasteful like neon or some horrid shyte like that.

When you put out your album make sure the cover is completely dated looking. Or even better a joke that nobody gets.

Listen with your eyes, anything less than a few dozen 512c preamps is 100% crap. Wait, scratch that make it a couple dozen Neve 1076.

Post regularly on Gearsluts, and your set.

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