Well-known member
We shall be in the dark Ray until and unless our OP gives us much more detail about the transformer. For instance, very, very small transformers, under 15VA say, have very poor regulation and so their off load voltage is much higher than their rms full load rating. I recall a 12.5VA traff rated at 16V/0.8A that had an O/C voltage of 22V and would thus produce an off load rectified voltage of some 30V.Transformers are specified in RMS voltages. The peak rectified voltage would be much higher, as ecc83 says.
Your kit may work adequately on a voltage lower than 48V.
You could try connecting up a couple of little 12V batteries. They exist - I bought a pack of various battery sizes, and in there was a little 12V battery, I think for hearing aids.
I'm assuming this is just a one-off exercise.