Perfectly Clear - Remix...

Thanks guys! These responses have helped a ton. They mean a lot.

CH - It is a maddening process. Thanks for checking out the frequencies. You heard the same things as me so maybe I am learning something. :p Thanks man!

Jim - The theme continues on her enunciation. :) This song is problably where she does this the most. Thanks for the compliments.

Myx62 - I'll take the song sticks in your head - lol. It is a busy song, probably one of our more busy ones. Guess I should not have tried to hone my mix skills on this one. :rolleyes: :) Thanks for the critique and listen.

FM - Thanks man! It's still one of my favorites we have done.

joro.......................2 HA! Get out of here you newbie! I did a little research in the cave to see what happened to you. Ofcourse your infamous posts were deleted. ;) At least you have some friends here who wanted you back. :eek: :D Thanks for the listen man. Be well.

Al - Funny you say that. My wife just said when I was remixing this that it seemed slow. LMAO. Thanks for the compliments!

sv - LOL - I will tell my wife the bridge is a Peanuts rip-off!! Your other points are duly noted. I am with you 100%. Thanks for the detail and time. "All that she can stand" LOL. It's "all that she needed". I think that sounds a little more friendly LOL. Thanks.

sluice - Tom, thanks for your time. I am glad you could make it back to an actual remix of mine. :rolleyes: :) It's about time huh? Thank you very much for the compliments on the mix. That again makes me feel better. "Hey, the kid's leaned a few things!" Also, thanks for the nice words on the song and performance. I agree with you on the enunciation thing. This song is worse in that area than any other we have done, but as you say it is hard because you don't want to squelch emotion and performance.

lynx - Agreed again. :) Thanks and thanks for the mix compliment between guitar and piano. It is a challenge, especially in those dreaded mids! :( :)

B SAB - I don't think you caught the first one, but thanks for the compliments. Yes she does get both the Alanis/Tori comparison a lot. Tori is her favorite so no complaints there.

Trip - Thanks for the time. No pops! OK don't go back and listen because I think there are a few in there. :D The cymbals were so dynamic too. It was a pain to mix. Midrange problems? Yes I think it is hot in the low mid range, but see chris harris's response and you can see my challenges. Sorry on the articulation thing. It has been covered. She gets very expressive and loses some of that. Plus her melodies are not straight forward. We'll keep it in mind for sure. Thanks again!
Ped - Almost missed you after your long hard day at European work. :eek: :D

Hey that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I thought the dress was getting a little tight. :D

Seriously thanks for the time. And hey there is one vote for who cares about articulation! :D