People that delete or replace song files previously posted with new mixes

There are several on the board that do very good in consistently providing feedback for others. You guys are really appreciated and make the board what it is. Not A$$ kissing, just showing appreciation. :p
I scroll down and see a regular in it (which I have to assume they're listening), and then leaving without commenting. .

LOL, one of those was probably me the other day.... came in, saw the "What do I call this?" thread clicked the link and thought "Excellent, it's on instead of Soundcloud so I can actually hear it at work", then got confused with what stage the actual "What do I call this" part was at, scrolled down, and then got called into a meeting and haven't been back to the clinic until now.... I still haven't listened! I will tomorrow though... tad busy to give it serious attention at the moment and I'm knackered after a hard day's work... and I'm not going to be able to tell you anything anyway... like heat, Greg and a few others, I just listen 'coz I like what you do... :D
LOL, one of those was probably me the other day.... came in, saw the "What do I call this?" thread clicked the link and thought "Excellent, it's on instead of Soundcloud so I can actually hear it at work", then got confused with what stage the actual "What do I call this" part was at, scrolled down, and then got called into a meeting and haven't been back to the clinic until now.... I still haven't listened! I will tomorrow though... tad busy to give it serious attention at the moment and I'm knackered after a hard day's work... and I'm not going to be able to tell you anything anyway... like heat, Greg and a few others, I just listen 'coz I like what you do... :D
Hehe....No no. I wasn't talking about this tune. But I also wasn't really talking about anyone in particular. It happened a lot with my last song, where I posted the instrumental version first. It's all good, Arm, I wasn't singling you or anyone else out.
In the time I've been around this place has gone through a couple 'quiet periods', but always seems to turn around. I know that I thought I would never come back again until they threw that rockin robby guy out, and I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I used to keep every version of everything up forever, but got rid of my ftp space and had to clear out dropbox and I hate soundcloud so it all had to go. I don't have any gear or setup any more, so really can't comment much cause I have a set of crap headphones so I'm not really hearing things right...
In the time I've been around this place has gone through a couple 'quiet periods', but always seems to turn around. I know that I thought I would never come back again until they threw that rockin robby guy out, and I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I used to keep every version of everything up forever, but got rid of my ftp space and had to clear out dropbox and I hate soundcloud so it all had to go. I don't have any gear or setup any more, so really can't comment much cause I have a set of crap headphones so I'm not really hearing things right...

Ah shit, that sucks Chuck. So what's the story here then? Have you jacked in making music for good or are you just between setups?

A real shame if the former... :(
Ah shit, that sucks Chuck. So what's the story here then? Have you jacked in making music for good or are you just between setups?

A real shame if the former... :(

Should have been more specific :-) We are renovating our house for sale and just about everything we own other than essentials is in storage. We are moving from the city to the country... It will be a while, but I fully expect to be rolling again in the future.
