pay it forward to people in need..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jamal Bucket
  • Start date Start date

This is such a great idea. I'm in North Texas and also have some gear I'd like to donate to pay forward to someone in need:

CAD Equitek 350 large diaphragm mic
MXL 991 small diaphragm mic
Tasman US-1800 8 channel USB recording interface
RNC Really Nice Compressor
Vintage(ish) Fretless Gibson Rock Bass

I have a kid's drumset, red. Not a toy, but not great. Some small kits can sound good. This one, not so much. New Haven.
Howdy Guy's, This is the most selfless act of Random Kindness I have ever seen among musicians. I'm the new guy on the "block" and this is my first visit "Home Recording" but I'd like to say Thanks ! I'm not sure at this point what I can live without (smiles) but I'm sure I'll find something soon. I'd love to have the guitar myself but I'll pass and hope someone who needs it more than I do will love it and pass it on. Well done to all of you and thanks again.
Well, bassfreq has only posted here once, and hasn't been back since the offer above, so don't count on any of that stuff. the fact that he would give away a US1800 or fretless bass is suspicious, though. (cheated-upon wife? :rolleyes: )
You know, it's been a while since I even checked this thread out...

Why not add something to the mix in the spirit of the holidays. Since nobody wants to pay for my CAD TLM411 mics (listed in a thread below this one) then they're up for grabs to whoever wants them. I've got 2 of them that haven't been used at all, still wrapped up in their boxes. Short little dynamic mics with clips, sound pretty decent on guitar cabs and hand percussion (djembe is all I've tried them on). PM me or reply here if you want one or both...
You know, it's been a while since I even checked this thread out...

Why not add something to the mix in the spirit of the holidays. Since nobody wants to pay for my CAD TLM411 mics (listed in a thread below this one) then they're up for grabs to whoever wants them. I've got 2 of them that haven't been used at all, still wrapped up in their boxes. Short little dynamic mics with clips, sound pretty decent on guitar cabs and hand percussion (djembe is all I've tried them on). PM me or reply here if you want one or both...

I don't have any drum mics... Not sure if that constitutes "in need...." :)
hi all,
I am needing an audio interface. Nothing fancy cause i really don't have much to buy with. If someone has one they could part with please let me know. Been a dream of mine to record some before i'm gone but just don't have money to do it with. still would pay what i can to get whats needed to do this. Thanks in advance
hi all,
I am needing an audio interface. Nothing fancy cause i really don't have much to buy with. If someone has one they could part with please let me know. Been a dream of mine to record some before i'm gone but just don't have money to do it with. still would pay what i can to get whats needed to do this. Thanks in advance

what are you looking to record?
Anything really but just wanted to do some country songs with backing tracks. without audio interface of some kind i cant hear music and my singing through headset as i'm recording. makes it tough and kind of ruins quality of songs with feedback. thanks
This is an awesome idea and thread...I will hunt around and see what I have to offer.
Hello artist,
I came here for help in trying to find stuff on my daughters x-mas list. But dear old dad is broke (but willing to go into debt, deeper), as he is out of work after having his spinal cord crushed. anyway "Not to proud to beg" Her list
base guitar
DAW Software/Interface
Studio Monitors
Microphone Stand
Pop Filter

What she has so far:
Acoustic/electric guitar
good computer

So a little about her- Just a kid 13, sweet as pie and has mad talent. She sings and plays the guitar. Her taste- Broadway and Rock??? Right now she is obsessed with Kurt Cobain/Nirvana and the Play, Rent. Tonight she is singing in a Choir. She is a Soprano 1/2 She is involved in so much, I won't bore you.

I have a limited budget, a couple hundred max, willing to barter or trade- Not a musician

What do I have you may want:
HVAC Duct work/Flex
Some lumber (2"x12"x16') 2 doug fir
- I can do basic residential electrical work
- Drive you to the airport, basically open to anything legal where no one is hurt.

I hope a successful person gets this x-mas wish and can help, Peace Be With You, and thanks for any help

Dear Old Dad
Hi Dearolddad, I have a Digidesign Mbox that one channel works the other doesn't, you are welcome to it at no charge and if you give me a postal address I will even post it to you from Tasmania at my cost. It will need software which I don't have for you but you may be able to source that elsewhere, t is not much to offer but if you can source the software it will be a modest start for her. I also will throw in a Roland GP100 guitar efx processor that works perfectly and was well thought of in its day. I hope she has a wonderful Christmas and your personal situation improves. Merry Christmas.
Fantastic! So Many Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your Loved Ones!
Yo Dear Old Dad

REAPER is a well loved DAW software here at that is free to download and use as long as you want for FREE uncrippled other than a 5 second nag pop up at the opening of each session reminding you that they would like you to pay for it if and when you are able to. They don't say it that nicely but the it's free to use if you can't afford to pay for it because that's the way the developer Justin Frankel rolls. Something about Karma or somethin. If she has a smokin computer Reaper will rock for her...
I sent an Audient iD22 and two Shure SM58 mics to a gentleman and his son in Asia who were struggling to record non-secular music on some very cheap gear. Took a while to get there, and their country's customs charged me $141 dollars for the import fee, but it got there. The father and son have been very gracious and are learning to record using Pro Tools First. They say their songs sound like an angel was the recording engineer. I'm very pleased that it worked well for them.
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I sent an Audient iD22 and two Shure SM58 mics to a gentleman and his son in Asia who were struggling to record non-secular music on some very cheap gear. Took a while to get there, and their country's customs charged me several hundred dollars for the import fee, but it got there. The father and son have been very gracious and are learning to record using Pro Tools First. They say their songs sound like an angel was the recording engineer. I'm very pleased that it worked well for them.
Damn that is really cool / generous of you...good on you...That the results paid off even cooler. FYI on the customs thing you didn't say which Asian country but generally speaking it's all about claimed value and the HTS (Harmonized Tax System) codes. Correct HTS code and claimed them as used equipment with a very low value and the import fees should have been under $100..Heck they could have bought new in their country for under $700.. But good on you for your generosity.
I have already given a saxophone, a guitar and a drum set away. I have a lot of sound reinforcement outboard gear I am never going to use again like eqs and
crossovers if anyone needs anything like that. I have some Peavey cabs with 18 inch woofers I wouldn't mind getting rid of but I can't be shipping them. I have some
non working pedals that will probably wind up in the dump.