Passion - Mix #2

Wow, amazing drums poeticintensity. And Studioplayer is right - this song needs real drums - not something I can provide! But I was more interested in the rhythm section as a whole and what a more rhythmic bass could do to it. So here is some GM drums and a real bass on it:

Thanks for the kudos, beatlebum. Your version sounds great! Seems like you were thinking a lot of the same stuff I was.
Been busy, forgot to check back on the post.

Wow, very nice Beatle.
I love how you came in quiet until the chorus and then added a full kit sound.

Can you upload your full drum track so I can mix it into a .mp3?
I will post both versions on my web site with credits to each drummer.

see ya
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Love the guitar playing....great phrasing/tone!!! Not familiar with the original...listened to the Beatlebum version after the one in the top of the thread....nice bass guitar work....awesome job guys, really enjoyed the listen!!
Been busy, forgot to check back on the post.
Can you upload your full drum track so I can mix it into a .mp3?
I will post both versions on my web site with credits to each drummer.

see ya

Will do EL34 - pm you when its done.
Thanks beatle,

BTW, nice bass work also besides the great drum track

I will be going back and re-doing some of my stuff but I would like to play off the drums.

If you want to let go of the bass track also, I will do credits on that also.

see ya
I just finished re-mixing with Beatlebum's drums tracks and his bass track.

Now if I could get him to do my guitar parts I could just sit and drink beer for a hobby. Maybe play cards with a robot? :laughings:

I was going to do the bass track myself but Beatlebum's bass track is great and so there's no need for me to do that.

Here's beatlebum mix
I went back and re-did a bunch of my guitar tracks also.

I have all the mixes on this page here with credits to PoeticIntensity and Beatlebum for their excellent tracks

You can play them on this page without downloading them.
Yep. Listened to them both. BIG difference with the real drums. They sound great. :cool: Makes the song much more 'epic'. Canned drums are fine if you can work them with a drummers mind. Personally I use EZ when writing tunes but I usually go with a real drummer to finish the song. Nothing like the real feel. Even if the recording is not as good as EZ, Drums On Demand etc. I'd much rather have a guy or gal behind a kit. Actually a gal would be nice. ;) Not too many of them around.

Hey... Just a small nit, but I listened to the track you laid with my drums down... and it seems that the drum track somehow has become 'mono'. Not very dynamic, and extremely compressed... Just thought I'd give a friendly "hey, dude!". Have you tried mixing it any more since you did the "quickie" mix at the beginning?
Sorry PI, I had plans to drop your drum track onto the new tracks I recorded today, but I ran out of time. I finished my stuff and uploaded the tune and then left my shop.

I am hoping to have enough time in the next couple days to do that.

One of the things I really liked about your track was the long pauses you did. It opened up a space that sounded really cool.

BTW, I like your hard hitting rock playing style.
I do some Joe Satriani and Steve Vai instrumental stuff and I think your playing style would be be great for that stuff.
Do you want to do someting like that??
I had some time today to mix PoeticIntensity's drum track into the same mix I used for beatlebum

Here's PoeticIntensity's mix
Note that I used the completed wet reverb track he suppied, so I did not have to do much.
I did not add any effects to the drum track.
Beatlebum is on the bass in this mix

Here's beatlebum mix which was a mix of 3 drum tracks he supplied and his bass track

I have all the mixes on the page below with credits to PoeticIntensity and Beatlebum for their excellent tracks
You can play them on this page without downloading them.
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Beautiful! Sounds great.... I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but in the mix with my drums, the drums might actually be a bit loud. The focus should be on the guitar work, IMO.

The drums sound wonderful, though. Thanks!
I'll have to go back and listen again, but I love loud drums!!!

Your drumming is very powerful and I like the drums to be in my face.
Same with guitar.

I'll have to go back and do some more listening while I work
I have noticed that if I listen to stuff while I work, I notice things that are out of balance when the song changes.

Thanks again for the awesome tracks.
What about doing some harder rock stuff??????
Ha, just saw the new forum mp3 tags

Press play on the players below

This is the version I did with Beatlebum on drums

This is the version I did with Poetic Intensity on drums
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