Oregon Suspends Basic Skills Graduation Requirement in the Name of Equity

Too many minority students couldn't demonstrate even the most basic literacy so they waived the requirement to accommodate them.

I guess this is how they fix those "historic injustices". I'm sure this warms leddy's heart.

I think I get it now...
If we're all "equal", then we can all just "identify" as anything we want.
I wonder if frogs wish they had wings...
So just to recap.... you live in Alabama, admit that you're racist, and blame Joe Biden for the fact that your house isn't grounded. Got it. You're a great American. :thumbs up:
This shit is scary. All these wing nuts here staying silent - basically being ok with being called racist. Given every chance to deny. No one does.
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Are ya'll really so brainwashed?
Define "racist..."

There are actually a few copy-cats out there lol... But, no, I'm the original. I've been JAPOV since '79, and I've been online warning people about precisely what's happening in the world today for more than 20yrs. I'm surprised there's not at least one here who recognizes me...
This shit is scary. All these wing nuts here staying silent - basically being ok with being called racist. Given every chance to deny. No one does.

When was it you stopped beating your wife?

Realistically, honest, it's hard to keep up with identity of a racist. Hell, you can't be "color blind" anymore, that's racist. By the morphed modern day definition(s)(s)(s) MLK if not a down right open racist had those tendencies. Even black folks can be white supremacists...if they dont toe the line. Where that line is who can say, including yourself. The word has become practically meaningless, and often the last refuge of a losing argument. It used to be something that spurred adamant denial, now, a mockery....and deservedly so. You know what's really racist? Low expectations, decriminalization, dumbing down society, and schools that no amount of increased funding would remedy.

I'll give you something racist, would be a shame to disappoint. You play the tribal game, you reap the rewards. The stats ain't good in your favor.
This shit is scary. All these wing nuts here staying silent - basically being ok with being called racist. Given every chance to deny. No one does.
Yep. Not only that though... we've got at least two here that just recently openly advocated for the extermination of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

I could barely believe it. But there you have it. They said it. It's right there for all to see.
When was it you stopped beating your wife?

Realistically, honest, it's hard to keep up with identity of a racist. Hell, you can't be "color blind" anymore, that's racist. By the morphed modern day definition(s)(s)(s) MLK if not a down right open racist had those tendencies. Even black folks can be white supremacists...if they dont toe the line. Where that line is who can say, including yourself. The word has become practically meaningless, and often the last refuge of a losing argument. It used to be something that spurred adamant denial, now, a mockery....and deservedly so. You know what's really racist? Low expectations, decriminalization, dumbing down society, and schools that no amount of increased funding would remedy.

I'll give you something racist, would be a shame to disappoint. You play the tribal game, you reap the rewards. The stats ain't good in your favor.
There’s truth in what you say (though you write so cryptically sometimes it’s hard to know for sure what you’re saying), but for purposes of this thread, it was a lot more narrowly defined. This all started between me and brassplyr. A simple question summed up by this recent statement;
Discrimination in housing, education, employment, etc that shaped the socioeconomic differences we see today. That is empirically evident*, but some folks here deny it and choose to view it as black people are inferior.
I’ve asked this several times over several threads - essentially do you agree with this. Every single time, BP or now Japov, just tried to move the goal post. Even you decided to tell some nonsense story about loose change. The * was added to note that I had referenced columns from Harvard and elsewhere supporting that claim. The question itself came from comments BP was making that made me uncomfortable and suspicious that he was extremely bigoted. Here’s one example from this very thread:

You mean besides your frantic, resentful, venom-spitting dance to assign blame anywhere *but* where it belongs to avoid admitting a serious dysfunctionality within and holding a particular demographic to a standard of personal responsibility?

I was pushing for clarification first before making accusations. When no clarification came, only then did I make an accusation.

So in THIS context, I’m not sure what conclusion you think I should draw. I’m not calling anyone racist for any Willy Nilly reason. Maybe this is too simplistic. I’m sure there’s other factors. But I get nothing. Just insults and goal post moving to avoid any direct answer.

So, until someone wants to answer, what conclusion do you suggest I draw other than some people here are way more racist than they care to admit?
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I want you to describe for me your perfectly equitable utopia, and how you would achieve it.
That was your opportunity leddy...
Why should I debate with you if I don't even know if we agree on definitions?

Speaking of "moving the goalpost" lol... I don't even know what you identify as...
This shit is scary. All these wing nuts here staying silent - basically being ok with being called racist. Given every chance to deny. No one does.
The term "racist" has been overused so many times (mostly as a fallback for a failed argument) that it's got zero stigma attached to it anymore.
All you get is a laugh or a shrug, since nobody gives a crap about a false accusation.
That was your opportunity leddy...
Why should I debate with you if I don't even know if we agree on definitions?
You clearly don’t ask questions in good faith. I answered and you responded with “products of government higher learning” or whatever rather than actual debate.
Speaking of "moving the goalpost" lol... I don't even know what you identify as...
Been here 20 years. No one has ever asked anyone that that I’ve seen. Why would you care about that suddenly?

You still avoid the questions I’ve asked you that relate to the thread. I’m not going to answer bad faith questions that don’t.
The term "racist" has been overused so many times (mostly as a fallback for a failed argument) that it's got zero stigma attached to it anymore.
All you get is a laugh or a shrug, since nobody gives a crap about a false accusation.
Read the thread perhaps. Or tell me again about how RvW was just handing abortion to the states.
Too many minority students couldn't demonstrate even the most basic literacy so they waived the requirement to accommodate them.

I guess this is how they fix those "historic injustices". I'm sure this warms leddy's heart.

Ahemm... Tell me again what this thread is about...

You're the one who came here to argue, Leddy. And the OP knew you would.
Ahemm... Tell me again what this thread is about...

You're the one who came here to argue, Leddy. And the OP knew you would.
Well you clearly didn’t read it before posting, so I don’t know what to tell you.
Whether or not you can change it does not dictate protected class. Pregnancy is changeable and it's protected as well.
What does dictate "protected class" is the SC, which is bogus. "Human rights are universal rights" -- yes or no? If yes, then I'll take what you said to mean SC only dictates what the SC will recognize as a human "right", whether real (such as the right to privacy) or fictional (such as abortion) -- which is unfortunately 10% true, that "freedoms" and "rights" are fancy words for what the State gets to grant or withhold, according to the whim of the lawmakers.
The SC has ruled sexuality is protected.
Perhaps, teenage black girls should be encouraged to pay attention in sex-ed class...

Or, not. Whatever
Perhaps, teenage black girls should be encouraged to pay attention in sex-ed class...

Or, not. Whatever
Way to double-down on the stupid. Hey, if the Christo-fascist republicans had their way we wouldn’t even have sex ed. Amiright?