Order of operation recording question.

Lol. You don't really believe anything in that article, do you? :laughings: :laughings:


I'm just saying what I read in the article...I didn't write it.

Which part do you think is bogus...the use of the click...or are you saying the entire article is probably a fabrication?

I'm just saying what I read in the article...I didn't write it.

Which part do you think is bogus...the use of the click...or are you saying the entire article is probably a fabrication?

The entire article. They're screaming pretty loudly about how "analog" it is, and how garagey it is. Yeah okay. Dave Grohl's garage has better gear than most pro studios. I don't buy it. It's a publicity stunt to entice more dipshits into buying their crap on the premise that it's more real and raw. It isn't. I've heard it. It's super highly polished glossy modern loud cliche radio rock garbage. It doesn't sound analog or garagey whatsoever.

I have not heard any of the album, but yeah, they do get all hyped talking about the "garage" sound in the article...how Grohl got all pissy with Vig in the beginning when Vig wanted to use some computers for backups and whatnot.... :laughings:

I was just mainly chuckling about the comment where they admitted that they DID use a click for the drums because they were not totally insane...to not use one. :D
I'm a big fan of clicks. Playing to a click doesn't mean you have to be a robot. You can waver around it and just use it as a guide. Or you can lock in on it. You can also easily program time/tempo changes. Recording and live are two different animals. I don't buy the "live feel, feeding off eachother" recording nonsense. If you're good, you can make a good studio recording without having to look at the drummer or bass player. If you're good, they don't even have to be in the building. People make all kinds of excuses as to why they won't record a certain way. The reality is that they're usually just not good enough to stand alone and record a piece by themselves.
Drummers and bassists are never cute. They're the men of the band. They win the bar fights and carry the heaviest gear.
You would've thought the keyboardist would be the one, certainly in the old days with pianos, Hammond organs, mellotrons, those synths and Fender Rhodes' to cart about. But no. They had to "watch their hands" ! Still, plenty of jobs went to roadies as a result, creating employment and internatinal travel.
Most if not all the keyboardists I have known are / were so minky !
You would've thought the keyboardist would be the one, certainly in the old days with pianos, Hammond organs, mellotrons, those synths and Fender Rhodes' to cart about. But no. They had to "watch their hands" ! Still, plenty of jobs went to roadies as a result, creating employment and internatinal travel.
Most if not all the keyboardists I have known are / were so minky !

Bands that have keyboards don't fight anyway. They read books and eat their vegetables. They wear turtlenecks and corduroy jackets with suede elbow patches. The last thing anyone in that band would do is fight. especially the keyboard player. So wimpy.
People who initially come here do so to get and/or share information about home recording. They do not come here to read 5 pages of inside jokes and back-and-forth banter.
People who initially come here do so to get and/or share information about home recording. They do not come here to read 5 pages of inside jokes and back-and-forth banter.

And here you added absolutely nothing of value to this thread, or this board as a whole. Kudos, hypocrite. :)

Besides...we already gave the OP all the info he needs...and we've moved on to more important things. :D

Oh...and we are only on page 2...don't stretch it!