orange amps


New member
I'm looking around for a small amp to use when practicing in my appartment.
I dont really want to spend too much money since I wont be using it to gig or anything like that.

At my local guitar shop, they have an orange crush 30
its a solid state amp.
I played through it a little and I was just wondering if anyone had any input on this little amp.
I like the sound and for 199.99 it seems like a good deal.

A salesman there also recommended an epiphone triggerman dsp30 (they dont have in stock but are expecting soon)which has the same wattage, the same size (10'') speaker. and also has two channels. SInce they dont have it in stock I havn't been able to compare it to the orange crush.
I'm sure that of the two the orange is the better amp but for the 50 dollar price differenece (the epi is 149.99) I could save some money for other things like some new pickups.

what do you guys think?

do you want to go with solid state or tube? fender makes a good 15 watt tube combo, the blues junior, im nto sure what it goes for new generally because i got mine for about 200 but thats because i bought it at the same time as my Marshall DSL100 head but it really is a badass amp. But along the lines of solid state amps for the money, I would consider checking out alot of the Line 6 spider amps and what not. From what I have heard they sound pretty good.
I'm not specifically looking for either a tube or a solid state amp.
Solid states were really the only thing I found in my price range that were a decent size and power for my needs.

I dont need too many bells and whistles. Really just a clean and dirt channel.
Other effects are just extras that I porbably wont use
Since you live in an apartment a better option might be a Line 6 Guitarport or a Behringer V-Amp.
I had considered that as well (well not the guitar port but similar options) and I really just dont think I'd be happy playing through my computer. I mean, how good can it actually sound through pc speakers? also, I was afraid I'd be left dealing with latency which I would rather not fight with.
For recording, and being frugal, you really can't beat the line 6 spiders. I know you say you don't want any extra effects, but when you record they all come in handy sooner or later. If you've got cheap gear, you need as many places as you can to help tweak matters.
I recommend against tube for apartments, they are just too loud. That said, a tube preamp in the amp is okay though.

My friend got a Vox AD30 and it sounds awsome. Some people really like the Marshalls with the tube pre, but if the Orange sounds good to you, and you like it, I haven't personally read a single negative comment on it unlike many other amps.
ggunn said:
Transistors or tubes, watts is watts.

You are a fucking commie. STFU. I didn't say anything about watts you fucking moron. Tell me you can get power tube saturation without an attenuator you prick. You don't know shit about what you are talking about. One needs to be fucking loud to make the tone it is supposed to make.
Outlaws said:
You are a fucking commie. STFU. I didn't say anything about watts you fucking moron. Tell me you can get power tube saturation without an attenuator you prick. You don't know shit about what you are talking about. One needs to be fucking loud to make the tone it is supposed to make.

Greatest freakout ever. Period.
Outlaws said:
You are a fucking commie. STFU. I didn't say anything about watts you fucking moron. Tell me you can get power tube saturation without an attenuator you prick. You don't know shit about what you are talking about. One needs to be fucking loud to make the tone it is supposed to make.

A little too much coffee, this morning, eh, Outlaws? It's OK, it'll wear off before too long. Take a couple of deep breaths and try to relax... ;^)
I believe your caption should say "The piss'ed off'ed" not "the piss'er off'er" :p

To compensate, yes, a watt is a watt. There's no difference there. Tube amps just get way more volume per watt.
classic freakout there, outlaw. :D too damn funny.............

hey pedro, if you like the orange then get it. one thing it has going for it is looks. it really is a cool looking little amp. i'd like to hear one. i doubt you will get many opinions on it, if any at all. most people tend to buy the amp with the most crap crammed into it instead of something simple with one good sound.

to me, most of the little solid state amps sound like trash. i've heard a couple that I liked though. yea you can get a little solid stater with 50 supposed "tones" and a bunch of effects but what good is all that if none of it sounds very good. i'd take an amp with one good usable tone over one of those gimmicky jobs anyday.
I agree with the tube volume issue. The finest solid state amp I have had the pleasure of playing is the Trademark T60. I am a die hard tube snob and this little amp absolutely smoked. However, a close second was the Roland Micro Cube. This little bugger *floored* me, and IIRC is cheaper than the Orange you mention. The Micro Cube sounded very cool. The other guitar player I was with was so floored by the sound that he picked one up. Keep in mind that this is a guy with a boatload of vintage amps and a tube snob like myself. We are not easily impressed by solid state amps, but both of these little amps were excellent value. their tone was spectacular and IMHO they have no equal in their price range...nothing even close. Give the Micro Cube a whirl with an open mind, you will be shocked.
tc4b said:
For recording, and being frugal, you really can't beat the line 6 spiders. I know you say you don't want any extra effects, but when you record they all come in handy sooner or later. If you've got cheap gear, you need as many places as you can to help tweak matters.

I'd recommend that, too. They have headphone jacks and emulated line outs which is great for recording in compromised situations (noise in the area, have to be quiet, late at night).
IronFlippy said:
I believe your caption should say "The piss'ed off'ed" not "the piss'er off'er" :p

To compensate, yes, a watt is a watt. There's no difference there. Tube amps just get way more volume per watt.

At their rated wattage, a tube amp and a transistor amp of the same power rating will be the same volume.