Official request

This is just from a quick look at your first page of posts. I'd have collected some more but, frankly, you appear to be a very boring person.

Those poor people. There must be millions of them.

Yeah, you and your peeps, just keepin' it real.






Are you bored of yourself yet?

That's just peachy.

Ad nauseum.

My advice to you, sir, is to quit your damn bellyaching and try to enjoy life.


if im boring and/or irritating you, id suggest the ignore works well..
I agree with David 1000%. I'm not one to make announcements of "leaving" or "boycotting a forum", but I have deliberately stopped posting in the Cave because of him (not David, but the jerk that's the topic of this thread). And, if he wasn't banned and kept posting in the important forums here, I would have deleted my account just to force myself to not post in the rest of this place.

I don't go to AA any more, even though I like a lot of the people there. But, if it wasn't for the Short Bus, or whatever the fuck it's called, that place would be totally dead. The important forums there that actually have anything to do with music get one post every 2 weeks. EZ might as well get rid of everything but the Short Bus, because it's the only reason that place gets any traffic at all.

I have a wacky, stupid, and bizarre sense of humor. I like stupid shit like Mr. Bean and Gilligan's Island. But there is NOTHING funny or entertaining about some asshole who's whole shtick was never funny and is now just plain stupid and annoying. And I have serious doubts about the mental health and/or sincerity of anyone who claims they find him entertaining.
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Nah, I think I posted there twice last week. I guess I should have said I don't go there as much, and hardly at all. Like I said, I have friends there, too. My point is that there's nothing going on there besides the Bus.

Not sure why all this is so important to you, Gidge. My post wasn't about you. Or at least, it wasn't meant to be. Maybe there's a reason you feel it was, that I'm not aware of.
My point is that there's nothing going on there besides the Bus.

Yeah, A & A is primarily a social site. RP is mostly actual music. When you do a new posts, you often get more Listening Room than Dafduc lounge. And this place has the Cave plus people swerving in the technical forums asking the same questions.
Nah, I think I posted there twice last week. I guess I should have said I don't go there as much, and hardly at all. Like I said, I have friends there, too. My point is that there's nothing going on there besides the Bus.

Not sure why all this is so important to you, Gidge. My post wasn't about you. Or at least, it wasn't meant to be. Maybe there's a reason you feel it was, that I'm not aware of.
its not important..but when you say you dont post there any more, and I see posts from your name over there about 20 times over the past week, I thought you might want to know...
its not important..but when you say you dont post there any more, and I see posts from your name over there about 20 times over the past week, I thought you might want to know...

20 times??? As far as I remember, I started a thread about a Grand Funk Railroad documentary last week end, and then responded to the few posts in that. I think last night, I commented in a drum forum thread, but that's about it. Maybe I made a few more random and useless posts (as usual) during the week, so you may be right. I don't keep track of these things.
Yeah, I just did. And, besides the Grand Funk thread, which I started last week, I think there are only 2 other posts this week. Either way, I have posted there more than I originally suspected. Sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm here or at the other place when it comes to the Cave or the Bus. Like I said, I like EZ and most other people there as much as here, so my point wasn't about "A&A sucks" or anything like that. I just find the music related forums there don't sustain the place, whereas this place would survive without the Cave.
I partially agree with DavidK although I stop short of his aggressive approach to other members because to me this was a total non-issue. His contacting me personally to let me know I'm an asshole was disappointing, but I can't help that.

My primary reason for posting in this thread is to register my concern at being associated with either apl or Gidgiot.

I did NOT think that AKEX should be unbanned on the basis of mistaken identity when it was clear they were not connected Ed Rei, nor did I think they were a big enough deal to be worth banning (though I didn't read any of their posts outside of the Cave, and understand that this may have affected my opinion).

Also, Gidge is most pathetic waste of space ever to inhabit the real world OR the internet. His retarded attempts to play both sides have pissed off everyone and I am not posting at A&A at this point in time because of his antics. We all know he has simultaneously both insulted and sucked up to Dragon (and every other member for that matter) to try and play to an audience for years and years now. If DavidK thinks I have anything to do with our longest-standing troll, he is very much mistaken.

Oh, and one final point. The problems with HR run much deeper than a couple of clowns, please don't think that a couple of mods and some righteous indignation is going to turn this site into the respectable professional destination it once was.

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His contacting me personally to let me know I'm an asshole was disappointing

Man up, send him a damn PM, and sort it out then. You keep mentioning this like you want us to do something about it. :);)

I would try not to worry much. DavidK is cool.
Man up, send him a damn PM, and sort it out then. You keep mentioning this like you want us to do something about it. :);)

I would try not to worry much. DavidK is cool.

I did, immediately after getting it. I thought I was conciliatory in the sense that I didn't think a bit of goofing around with some idiots negated five years of membership here. I have no beef at all with David, he's one of the nicest guys here, but if I'm an asshole for finding AKEX funny then he needs perspective just as much as I do.

Hopefully he'll reply, I don't want there to be bad blood.
lol good one dagman but seriusly thanks for youre suport weve macked it big in the uk lol
