octava mk-012


New member
i recently picked up a octava mk-012 and am using it as a drum overhead. i've noticed that it has a definite bright sound to it and was wondering what the general consensus is about this mic.

it's only a $100 mic and seems like a great deal.

is anybody else using it? and if so for what?

i dont own one, yet. but i think the general consensus(from what ive read) is that its a good overhead that borders on outstanding, and is passable for acoustic guitar. It's used quite a bit and when I've heard it on overheads it sounds great, and its kinda so-so for acoustic guitar's ive heard.
They are good.
I have a pair,as well as a slew of other mics, but on drums and percussion they are my first choice. Compared to other mics I have they are not a "bright" mic. They are a little darker, more clear through the midrange, which is why I like them.
Rocket Boy said:
i dont own one, yet. but i think the general consensus(from what ive read) is that its a good overhead that borders on outstanding, and is passable for acoustic guitar. It's used quite a bit and when I've heard it on overheads it sounds great, and its kinda so-so for acoustic guitar's ive heard.
So so on acoustic guitar? Please comment on mics you own or have experience with.
I have a matched pair. They're good overheads, FANTASTIC on acoustic instruments in general. It's a dark, warm sounding mic with a smooth top end. That's what makes them good overheads. If you don't have all the capsules for it, it would be worth picking them up. With cardiod, hyper cardiod and omni caps plus the 10dB attenuator you'd have a nice, flexible mic.
Guitar Center

I'm getting a PAIR of MK012 for $132.00. Guitar Center is running a special on Oktavas right now.

Check 'em out...

I also agree with Track Rat.
I forgot to mention, but they do sound exceptionally good on acoustic guitar, much more natural an warm than a lot of small diaphram mics.
The general concensus seems to be that you never really know exactly what you'll be getting when you pick up a couple of the mc012s. Personally, I always seem to have good luck with the ones I've tested/bought, but I've heard stories.

If they sound a tad on the bright side for your taste, then it might be worthwhile to take them back to the store, ask the salesperson to bring out maybe 6 more, and test them out untill you find a couple that don't sound quite as strident.

One way or another, you're getting outstanding deal. Particularly with this whole guitar center blowout -- $70/piece for a mic this good is just sick and wrong. Even if you get a couple of the so-called "bad ones." :D
i hearing some replies refer to the octava mc012 instead of the
mk012. is there a big difference between the mc012 and the

mfro98 said:
is there a big difference between the mc012 and the
MK=Angus McKay/Guitar Center. MC=Everybody else outside the US/UK.

To confuse it further, the McKay/Guitar Center MK-012s are still (last time I looked) marked MC-012 because the part number is actually recessed into the body and therefore too much trouble/expense to change.

I believe the MK markings are a relic of the old and very heated US/UK distribution-rights wars Angus McKay was having with The Sound Room; if the microphone wasn't MK-marked it wasn't a legal import, according to McKay, because he had sole distribution rights to Oktava in the US/UK.

Somehow, they settled all that, but I don't know how. I do remember Angus McKay's outraged posts to r.a.p, however! :D
Re: Guitar Center

Simmons said:
I'm getting a PAIR of MK012 for $132.00. Guitar Center is running a special on Oktavas right now.
They may be even cheaper on Labor Day. They are sometimes 2/$99.99 during the one-day holiday sales.

BTW, these are not really a "pair," but just two random MK(MC)-012 microphones. The "factory matched pairs" GC is now selling are going for $249.99.
My favorite drum overheads are my AKG C451's... but I have a matched pair Octava MC-012's from the Sound Room and they're great drum overhead mic's too.
I perfer the Marshall MXL603S over the Octava MC-012 for acoustic instruments like acoustic guitar.
DJL said:
I perfer the Marshall MXL603S over the Octava MC-012 for acoustic instruments like acoustic guitar.
I find the 603s too bright for most acoustics I've recorded. The MC012 is just a little nicer on acoustics IMHO. Nice and woody. That sounds dirty.
cominginsecond said:
I find the 603s too bright for most acoustics I've recorded. The MC012 is just a little nicer on acoustics IMHO. Nice and woody. That sounds dirty.
Yeah, IMO the MXL603S sounds a tad brighter than the MC-012 too... but, I like that.
I'd like to take the pepsi challenge with a "matched stereo pair" of mk012s from The Sound Room and two mk012s hand selected from "the bin" at the Guitar Center.

I wonder how much difference you can hear.

Well, Simmons, that depends on luck. I've got a random GC pair which replaced a Sound Room matched pair, and their output and frequency response curve are damn close. Just good luck, it could have very easily gone otherwise. I sold the matched pair to buy a pair of C-4's, which have been lovely. This is one of those cases where I agree with DJL. I've never been impressed by the MC012's on acoustic guitar. I have had very good luck with them on a nimber of other acoustic instruments, though, including violin/viola, wind chimes, and occasionally even vocals. I much prefer the C-4's on acoustic. YMMV- Richie
Oktava's qc is pretty good I think. Most people have said that unmatched pairs of oktavas come out pretty close. Probably close enough to get by with the 2 for 99 deal. Especially since you are using them as overheads.