not sure what to do (flaky band members)

very well put stevieb i totally agree...sit down and talk with them and remind them of the dedication it takes to be a band and the importance of not skipping gigs...
Perhaps I'm missing something...

But are you really driving 2.5-3 hours every night and then driving BACK to your house at the end of the gig and then doing the same thing again every night of the week?

I don't blame them for saying fuck it. That's kind of ridiculous.

well that's what we all agreed to do because some of the guys couldn't get time off work.

they should have says flat out no instead of yes then skipped out last second.

You sound like someone i wouldn't wanna be in a band with :eek:
The hardest part about being in a band is being in a band.
Writing songs, no problem. Getting gigs, no problem.

Getting the bassist to show up for practice at all let alone on time, freaking impossible.

Getting the lead guitarist to stop shredding between songs so we can discuss what we want to play/work on next, freaking impossible.

Getting sensitive whiny musicians to not take every suggestion about composition or tone as a personal insult meant to disparage their musical talent and them as a person, freaking impossible.
Getting the lead guitarist to stop shredding between songs so we can discuss what we want to play/work on next, freaking impossible.

You can probably at least convince him to mute himself. Now the drummer! He's the guy you can't get quiet between songs.

You also forgot "getting the lead guitarist to help setup and tear down equipment instead of talking to his girlfriend"
"Convincing the aspiring songwriters in the group to work on mastering the material we have already before interrupting practice to write new songs"
"Getting the one guy in the band who's interested in doing managerial stuff like getting gigs and arranging practice times to calm down and stop being so overbearing"