Non apple mac?!

I have a macbook pro, and i am planning on trying osx86 on my brothers pos laptop, not because he wants it, just for a proof of concept.

Think about it... you design an operating system for maximum of like 30 models of computer with say 5 revisions, its not amazing for you to troubleshoot every system and make it work well. But if that os works with other hardware as well... thats handy but its never going to run as well as the hardware it was intended for.
But if that os works with other hardware as well... thats handy but its never going to run as well as the hardware it was intended for.

Which, incidentally, is totally generic x86 hardware. Apple doesn't manufacture the hardware, it's made by the standard PC hardware companies, and is all available off the shelf.
old thread i know,,,but i hear they are now counter suing apple on some sort of unfair monopoly grounds......

I'm sure that's not gonna hold up, because they are making software for their hardware. Because if that's the case then Digidesign would have been sued as well for having to use their hardware in order to run their software. In all reality it's the same principals behind it.
it'd be hard to call to be honest,,,

i don't remember the details in full,,,but psystar seem to think they have a strong'll be interesting to watch.....

my advice???? buy one if/while you can...

see,with digidesign,,,i'd imagine they have some pretty firm and well stated rules about production of any hardware for intended use with protools,,,,but

i think the problem lies in that apple don't seem to have taken the same precautions,,,or at least not to the same extent.
my advice???? buy one if/while you can...

Until one of the next rev.s of software (not just OS) comes out that checks for a REAL legitimate ROM in the machine and either shuts it down or corrupts everything it can.

This is NOT the first time Apple has dealt with clone manufacturers....

BTW: You can still buy a MacMini with OSX for $600 that'll record 60 simultaneous tracks (Sweetwater did a test a couple of years ago and published results that they achieved 60 tracks with one) and run Windows, so anyone who says "its WAY cheaper" is just trying to justify pirating not really save any money.
you are right,,for sure,,

i own neither an apple, nor a psystar,,and have no intentions of buying either,,, so i don't really back either side,,

psystar users might take a fall the way your describing, but the community side of it wont i dont think,,,,

it seems like the 'hackintosh' community is comprised of people who are really into this concept,,,,AND own legitimate macs,,

or people who have set up their hackintosh systems for one use and one use only,,ie photoshop/protools or whatever..

i mean,,if you went out and bought a psystar setup for protools,,,my guess is you'd be fine,,,but logic??!! maybe not!

to back up your point,,,i did notice psystar's small print basically says,,

we guarantee this system to work with nothing,,,and we're not responsible if it ends up being illegal and you get shafted....

they worded it better than that,,,,,but still......says a lot huh?
sort of... you have to get a hacked version of os x to install it on most pcs. I'm asuming that this doesn't require the hack?

it requires the same hack,,the difference is, psystar are preinstalling the hacked version for you.

installing osx on a 'non apple branded computer' violates your eula, which doesn' make it illegal.. it just means you will get no support from apple.

modifying osx for personal use is your legal right,,so that's not illegal either.

modifying the product and selling it on for a profit is illegal.

that's why this is going to court.
It is not a "hacked" version of the OS. OSX86 is based on an emulator for the EFI which is the mac equivalent of BIOS so you can use a retail OSX disk and it does use a vanilla kernel. The emulator tricks the OS in so it believes that is is being installed on genuine apple hardware, that's all.
i think the problem lies in that apple don't seem to have taken the same precautions,,,or at least not to the same extent.

I would assume that if they didn't take the proper precautions then this would've actually been an issue years ago. But I guess we will have to wait and see.
well,according to tim,,,it was?!

altitude, it'd be interesting to know if psystar are running vanilla or you know?
Or even a PC with Windows on it?

Or an Amiga with Workbench on it?

I own both of these, and I've got to say, my 2 year old PC blows my 20 year old Amiga out of the water for pretty much everything except text to speech conversion. (MS Sam thinks he's all cool with his "dictionary" and "ability to recognize words instead of just pronouncing everything phonetically".)
Glad this got bumped. I posted a thread about this about a week ago and the people who responsed seemed to have no idea you could even run osx on non-mac hardware!!

Technically, OSX's EULA violates anti-trust laws by bundling their hardware and software together, so hopefully pystar has a good case, especially considering all the BS surrounding Microsoft for including a FREE media player and browser with their OS.

Also, it's a bit different than Digidesign, because (as far as I know) you don't pay for the pro-tools software, it comes with the hardware. Right? Also, I'd imagine if someone reverse engineered the digidesign hardware and tried to sell their own (that didn't include any patent infringments), then digidesign would also be looking at an anti-trust suit if they tried to stop them.

Also, x86 isn't exactly "generic" these days. There's been so many additions to the instruction set, a chip from 4 years ago could be missing half the instructions of a modern chip, which OS X needs to function properly.

Anyways, glad to see someone tried it and had no hardware problems. I'm about to take an old PC box and upgrade the mobo and processor to osx spec and give Logic a whirl on it.
well,according to tim,,,it was?!

altitude, it'd be interesting to know if psystar are running vanilla or you know?

I would assume yes, unless they are complete idiots and are actually selling the older hacked Kernals which would violate the DMCA in the US and have the feds hopping all over them. The only reasonably legal way I can see them actually being able to do this would be if they sold the boxes with the EFI preinstalled on the HD and a shrink wrapped box of OSX. This way technically they are not doing anything illegal (other than using the emulator without the authors permission, which is the case and the author has also take action AFAIK) since they you have a retail copy of OSX and a computer separately. When you install OSX on the machine, it is you the user which is violating apples EULA, not Psystar, since it only allows installation on genuine Apple hardware and you are the one installing it otherwise.

I am sure they will get lawyered to death in short order either way.

I have run a genuine OSX 10.5.2 disk the with emulator on very compatible hardware and can verify that it works perfectly
yeah,that all makes sense,

about preinstalling efi, then selling with a retail osx sealed copy,,,

i genuinely wandered why they werent doing that from the start.i'd sorta considered trying a machine or two myself on ebay that way,,,,but i didn't.

i duno,,,psystar can't have thought that apple would just turn a blind eye to this,,,so they must think that they are legally safe,,some way or other!?!?

i too would like to vouch for 'hackintosh',,,i don't care to share my methods but i've been running leopard since? it came out, and am now running 10.5.5 flawlessly.....seriously 100%. even got quad screen on dual pcie cards :) i only use 3 though :P

i don't even have an xp or microsoft based system anymore! :):):):)