new stuff..

chrisharris: LOL, glad it wasn't on my end:p :D . No man i'm not very great live haha...I use to fake it pretty good though:eek: . Thanks for checking it out chris.

flat-9:" What a hip vocal track! Sounds effortless! ":) I wished. I hear ya on the vocals and intonation problems, I hear'm too...haven't touched any settings so I think i can dial my vox back in. Yeah on all the chorus parts the drums are outta time, and some other places too. Hope to redo them soon.

Leslie West?:D , hey I love that cat! Thanks a ton Ralph..

fprod south: Yep, kick was about the same in both loud, but i'll cure that..if i can get that lazy ass back over here:D . Hey thanks a lot for the second listen!

Smokepole:" Did you have the drummer sit in with previuos tracks on this song?" no man, this was his first time...and it was just a couple scratch trks we laid down couple months ago, and i just started foolin with it the other day. My original drummer would of nailed it to the roof the first time..but he moved :( . The guitar is a strat,,but there's no more "songs" left in it:D so i'm getting rid of it haha. Thanks Joe..

twist: "Love that lead guitar sound! Whatcha usin?" Strat/5150 and i hate'em both...well i do :D . No i'll take that back, it's not the equipment..just my sorry ass playing. Man Humble pie was HUGE! Never tried to do anything by them though. Thank ya twist..
I really like this tune. The guitars are wailing man. You sang the hell out of it too. With the punchy accents you got going on, i`d just play that kick straight forward on 1, 3and with a lil less low end and let it give the pumpin bass a scaffold to cling to. Maybe smooth the cymbals a little too on the next cut. Sounds like your bobbin a little on the mic when your singing ( I know you wuz into it :) ) and the levels get a lil dynamic in several places. The vamp makes my skin go all ostrich n stuff. :)
Toki987 said:
I really like this tune. The guitars are wailing man. You sang the hell out of it too. With the punchy accents you got going on, i`d just play that kick straight forward on 1, 3and with a lil less low end and let it give the pumpin bass a scaffold to cling to. Maybe smooth the cymbals a little too on the next cut. Sounds like your bobbin a little on the mic when your singing ( I know you wuz into it :) ) and the levels get a lil dynamic in several places. The vamp makes my skin go all ostrich n stuff. :)

All good calls Toki, you guys rock. Yeah i'm hearing things now even after the remix that needs attention real bad. I'll wait till i get the drums right this time though:) . Thanks fer them ears Ken!
always a good vocal performance and nice guitars!! I like the song but for some reason the vocal sound is strange to me.. It sounds different than the music.. I don't know.. I didn't like the way some of the ganged vocals sounded.. Other than that, another good rock and roll song.. keep doing what you do!