new song -- critics are HIGHLY appreciated :-]

Lose the Guitar intro .. sounds like crap
or chagne it , or play another riff ...
its way too simple and doesnt say a thing ....

vocals are good ..

but that's just my opinion
and try to layer some other instruments just before that bridge
the song just asks for some added instruments there
or SOMEthing ..
Liked this Nice full band sound, good song. Kick drum was loud and mumphy. Not sure what to suggest there. The hard panned ride cymbals sounded cool, but maybe a bit loud.

Solid singing. The "It's our life" backing vocal could have been louder and/or fuller in the chorus. Maybe a big verb impact thing would be cool, dunno.

Song seems over a bit early, that repeating theme at the end was working for me, I could have heard more of it and/or another go 'round.
