New setup & "An Intergalactic Love Song, Baby!"

SnakeDog5050 said:
Hey guys, what's up?
Just an update to the song here. I thought I could do a better job with the flow of both the music and the lyrics at the 4:10 part so I rerecorded everything there and messed with that part. So the link in the first post has the new file if anyones interested :) :)
I am always interested Snake....I'm a gonna have a listen now!! :D

Sweeeet!!!!! Sounding real good Snake!! :D
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Timothy Lawler said:
Good groove and guitar sounds. I'd bring the vocal up. Enjoyed the pics.


Hi Tim, thanks for listening. I'm going to work on the vocals, maybe do a few more takes too. I tried removing one guitar from the 2nd verse and EQing the vocals away from each other for some more clarity, but then my mp3 converter free trial ran out this morning (lol) Oh well.
Thanks again, glad you enjoyed it :)
Love that chorus Snakedog - real catchy! It has a cool feel to it.

At 2:45 and 4:25 - if you sang that short part falsetto with the solo (like the chorus) it might work seems to start out that way and that sounded real cool.....

:D :) :D :)
ido1957 said:
Love that chorus Snakedog - real catchy! It has a cool feel to it.

At 2:45 and 4:25 - if you sang that short part falsetto with the solo (like the chorus) it might work seems to start out that way and that sounded real cool.....

:D :) :D :)

Cool, thanks ido :D Good idea, I'm going to try the vocals again at some point, so I'll give that a shot, see if I can get some more throataxe in there :D ;)
Very nice, cool tune. I'd go with Mr. Lawler and say crank the vocals up. On my cans they definitely need a boost. Everything else is pretty darn good, I like the sounds and the mix. Interesting stuff. :cool:
ha! I thought I commented on this, then I realised I only commented at the beginning to say the link is broke.

I like this, some signature Dogism. Bring the vocals up a little bit and you're on your way. Everything else rocks. Maybe pan the guitars a bit, they may be the reason the vox are hard to hear at times. Those drums are always rocking. Cool riffs in thei one, baby!
Hey babies, thanks for the reviews! :D
David, I'll probably do a few more takes on the vox, but when I do I'll make sure they end up louder than they are now. That's the one thing I don't have is monitors, so I'll trust you guys on everything. Glad the setup sounds good to your ears
Rami, I'll work try some panning/cutting on the verses, try to open up some space. Thanks about the drums, I play those like the_Bomb, press "play" :p
Cheers guys!
Hey stuff...The guitar style/tone kinda reminds me of Joy Division or early New Order during the intro.Vocals do sound a bit sound great!Really cool arrangment...totally reminds me of 80's college radio my ears at least!Cool man!!!!
variaxman said:
Hey stuff...The guitar style/tone kinda reminds me of Joy Division or early New Order during the intro.Vocals do sound a bit sound great!Really cool arrangment...totally reminds me of 80's college radio my ears at least!Cool man!!!!

Thanks Mr. Axe! Hope your show went well and stuff. Haha, I was actually thinking before that this thing sounds more 80s than anything I've done. Some of the guitars even sound like synths to me and I was thinking of adding some synths too :D

Anyway, thanks again, glad you liked it! I'll have some time to fix the vox tonight ;)