New Pickups - threw the Dimarzio Timmons set in my Strat (video content)


Sage of the Order
Ok, I have this Strat... It was my first "good" guitar, bought new back in '98, and while I play mostly seven strings these days I'm still head over heels in love with the guitar and it's been slowly creeping back into my playing rotation - the album I'm working on now probably will have the Strat playing the lead parts on, oh, 30-40% of the material. However, it's had Fender Lace Sensors (gold) in it for about the last decade, and after a decade I just got a little bored. Plus, they fit me as a player way better back then (when I was an 18-year-old blues rock guy just discovering shred) than they do today (where I've become a 29-year-old prog/shred geek whose roots are still in blues/rock). So, since recently I was blown away to discover that Andy Timmons was getting all of those awesome Strat singlecoil tones out of a mini humbucker, I figure the set he uses would be a good place to start:



So far, I dig the hell out of them. The Cruiser bridge pickups in the neck and middle sound shockingly close to singlecoils, I think the Lace Sensors might have been a hair more singlecoil-y clean, but in a blind test I'd never know they were mini humbuckers, and they record excellently. And distorted, they slay - I'm getting a much more responsive attack, and they still have that vocal singlecoil quality to them but with a hair more output. And the bridge humbucker is just awesome - it's hotter, but tonally integrates very well with the singlecoils so that when I switch from the neck to the bridge mid solo, it's very musical.

I made a quick video with the thing last night, demoing the pickups through my Mesa Roadster over the raw tracks for a song I'm working on that I think I'll include in my album. I'm a little rusty on the Jimi-esq chordal stuff here, I used to play this stuff pretty much nonstop in my teenage years but haven't done much of it since. I've been dusting off the cobwebs though and it's just a fun approach. :)


Sorry for the occasional slop here and there - I was thinking about being sure to change pickup positions a lot, which means I wasn't thinking about not sucking, with predictable consequences. :laughings:
Line 6... :(

Eh, it's just a delay unit in the loop. I'm as big a tube snob as they come, but a "modeling" delay is just a digital delay with a few more options, and I dig the fact it has some decent looping capabilities. Anyway, all it's doing is adding a bit of echo to an all-tube amp, so I wouldn't worry too much. ;)

ocnr - soundclick is blocked from my office, but I'll give it a listen tonight!
Sounds good. Good chops too. Have you ever listened to Be Bop Deluxe? The unaccompanied bit at the end - the "flowy shred" - and another spot earlier sound a lot like Bill Nelson who was always a favorite of mine. Good stuff - nice tune.

Where did you steal the Middlebury shirt?

damn dude, awesome tone....sure as shit wish i sounded like that when i played on my strat :( haha i never had that hendrixy bluesey feel down right, ugh. TEACH ME. :D
Sounds good. Good chops too. Have you ever listened to Be Bop Deluxe? The unaccompanied bit at the end - the "flowy shred" - and another spot earlier sound a lot like Bill Nelson who was always a favorite of mine. Good stuff - nice tune.

Where did you steal the Middlebury shirt?


I haven't, Lou - I'll definitely have to add that to the list. Is Be Bop Deluxe the name of the album?

I "stole" it from the campus store, in a complicated, deft, not-for-the-easily-unnerved maneuver wherein I walked up to the counter, handed them a $20, and then boldly walked out the door carrying the shirt. :D (I was class of '03)

damn dude, awesome tone....sure as shit wish i sounded like that when i played on my strat :( haha i never had that hendrixy bluesey feel down right, ugh. TEACH ME. :D

I couple guys over on have asked me that as well, so I think I'll eventually write a lesson on this stuff, or maybe do it as a video lesson if it's easier... I'll let you know if I do.
I haven't, Lou - I'll definitely have to add that to the list. Is Be Bop Deluxe the name of the album?
Be Bop Deluxe was the band, Bill Nelson the guitarist, singer, writer, etc. British. Mid-late '70s. Very good, fluid guitarist. A bit glam-rockish. Their first four albums are quite good and Live! In the Air Age sort of capped them off. (You are a bit young but you might recognize some of the cover art. Google them.)Went downhill and kaput shortly after. I think you'd like them - it sounds like you stole some of Nelson's licks.

DrewPeterson7 said:
I "stole" it from the campus store, in a complicated, deft, not-for-the-easily-unnerved maneuver wherein I walked up to the counter, handed them a $20, and then boldly walked out the door carrying the shirt. :D (I was class of '03)
Ah ha! Nefarious deeds. I thought Middlebury was primarily a teacher's college. Beautiful place. I passed through that area a few times back in the day.

Interesting. I've never even heard of the guy, to be honest, but in that case I'd better hurry up and check him out so I can defend myself against allegations of lick-stealing. :D

Yeah, it's gorgeous up there... It's really known for its language programs, which is odd because I picked up a degree in American Lit and didn't study a single foreign language while I was there - go figure. I did, however, not neglect my studies of Vermont microbrew and freshman coeds. :D
LOVE IT!!!! The pickups sound and look great! Now I know what pickups to put in my old Hondo Strat copy. I already have texas specials in my "73 Strat, and the Hondo is a nice playing axe but sounds....Eh. I get a lot of flack for that guitar, but the neck is really nice and I love playing it. Your guitar is a beauty... really nice. I'd be jealous, but that's a sin.
Man I could go on. I want to go on - it's bringing me back thirty years. I'm gonna go throw some old vinyl on the turntable. Think I'll start with Modern Music. I'll let you discover Be Bop on yer own.
