New feature at Blue Bear Sound

Blue Bear Sound said:
I see by this and your other posts that your forte is blinding ignorance..........

Take your shit and get the fuck outta here..........



I must be a mirror then dude

would go but to much knowledge here besides a over the hill burnout who thinks he invented the words 'mix'

you must of got confused somewhere.....

George Massenburg will get better results with a Portastudio, than a
Blue Balled Bear with a Neve!!!
konvict said:
would go but to much knowledge here besides a over the hill burnout who thinks he invented the words 'mix'

you must of got confused somewhere.....
Keep practicing, moron... one day you will pass the 1st grade......... maybe....


Cool. You can get on the floor, look up and make the ceiling spin. Just like my studio... :D

Way cool site, Bruce - What a beautiful studio.
I just spanked it 3 times while looking at your virtual blowjo...i mean studio.

Wow...that was really erotic and sensuall, man....can you...never

*Bows* to master of sexy studios!
Konvict, What do you do for a living? Besides Play With Your Imagination?

Ladies and gentlemen Hear is a Yanta that thinks a record player is an instrument. Who's Mom Bought His Puter and has more than likely been run out of ever recording board on the net. Your wit is that of a shit sandwich and your skill is more than likely as Crapy. A real expert on recording! A wanna be Vanilla Ice Puke that has nothing better to do than spread your colorful Bullshit on a forum where Real Musicians and Classy Studios Owners come to talk about Grown Up Things! I bet you either live at home with MOMY and DADY or have a roommate named Buba or Tiny. What Have you done that is so much more than Flap your Gums Together? Where are you recoding? What Money Have you made playing or recoding other people? If you would for a minute shut your Shit hole and listen to what Bruce has said in the context of allot of the forums, You might just learn something.

Moderator Why do you not ban silly little Fu@#s Like this! I like to read real posts, not Dribbling Diarrhea From Tiny Or Bubba's Bitch!
Bruce - read the article. How is the voice messaging work doing? I ask because as a career counseller I get involved a lot in the balance between what you have to do versus what you truly want to do (although you may say that voice messaging itself has technical challenges you find rewarding).

If you felt like commenting, it would be interesting to know, and also how you found the reality of running a commercial studio to differ from your dream. Answer by PM (or not at all) if you prefer, but I'm genuinely interested.
Hey Garry... the voice messaging seems to be gettign more and more attention. A lot of companies are doing IVR systems that require lots of voice-over dialog, plus post-production in the form of telephony audio specifications (something which apparently a lot of studios don't do - according to the companies that are calling! Better for me!!)

I tell ya - I've done some pretty heavy voice-over work this year -- one project was a library of over 5000 clips...... we did the tracking and post here.... it's not glamourous work by any means but a) it pays the bills, and b) it's still audio engineering - working with audio/sound - which is what I absolutely love to do......!

The business-side definitely takes work -- marketing has to be the number one priority (as well a priority as the main job - sound!), if not, the business will take a nose-dive and you don't get to do the "main job!"

My preference would be to have someone else handle the marketing, but that's not economical at this point.... so I get to handle everything...... which means I have a great deal of control over everything. And I also have only myself to blame if something goes wrong -- thankfully, that hasn't really happened so far! I end up wearing a lot of hats -- but it's also a great experience -- nothing like necessity as a learning tool!

It took a long time to turn to the occupation I *really* love doing - spent 15 years in the IT industry (all the while keeping audio/music as a part-time thing), but that gave me the opportunity to properly prepare for having my own business - from both an experience and financial aspect....

Not sure if this answers your questions - hope so! ;)
Bruce - yes, it did; yours is a great story and your answer was actually what I expected. Especially the point about marketing - I specialise in people who are moving from corporate jobs to independent careers, as you did, and very few of them have the faintest idea about how much effort needs to be devoted to marketing. Those who don't have both the stomach and aptitude for it we try to steer gently back to conventional employment.

You clearly have the knack for it, although finding somebody to do it effectively for you will be seriously difficult.
hey bluebear, that is an awsome setup, very comfortable.

one thing i'm wondering is, do clients generally bring in their own drumkits? I remember when my band was in the studio, the engineer there had a drumkit in there that he always kept mced. we liked it fortunately but that would have sucked it the kit wasn't what we wanted. It it common for studios to have standard kits or not?

On another note, as a professional, have you ever had to tell people to come back with some decent instruments? it must be frustrating when people expect pro sounding results when they use guitars with old strings and drums with old heads.
minofifa said:
hey bluebear, that is an awsome setup, very comfortable.

minofifa said:
one thing i'm wondering is, do clients generally bring in their own drumkits? I remember when my band was in the studio, the engineer there had a drumkit in there that he always kept mced. we liked it fortunately but that would have sucked it the kit wasn't what we wanted. It it common for studios to have standard kits or not?
I think it depends on the facility -- larger ones certainly might have stock drums and other instruments...

I have access to several drumkits if a client needs them, but I don't keep a set around - my clients generally bring in their own....

minofifa said:
On another note, as a professional, have you ever had to tell people to come back with some decent instruments? it must be frustrating when people expect pro sounding results when they use guitars with old strings and drums with old heads.
That situation hasn't occurred yet.... they can rent some instruments from me if they don't have something suitable, or, barring that - they make due..... if they're really that unprepared, they learn very quickly what the lack of preparation can cost them in terms of wasted time on their dollar.......!
Very nice indeed!....I haven't visited your site since you had the construction pics turned out fantastic!....I'm guessing it sounds as good as it looks ;) ......if you don't mind me asking what is the floor to ceiling dimensions of the various rooms?
Thanks! Height is pretty much 8 ft almost everywhere (except for ducting bulkheads in a few small spots where it's 7'4" or so) -- studio 1 is 13*12', studio 2 is 15*12, booth is 8*12, and the control room is 19*12.....
The Sarasin said:
Ladies and gentlemen Hear is a Yanta that thinks a record player is an instrument. Who's Mom Bought His Puter and has more than likely been run out of ever recording board on the net. Your wit is that of a shit sandwich and your skill is more than likely as Crapy. A real expert on recording! A wanna be Vanilla Ice Puke that has nothing better to do than spread your colorful Bullshit on a forum where Real Musicians and Classy Studios Owners come to talk about Grown Up Things! I bet you either live at home with MOMY and DADY or have a roommate named Buba or Tiny. What Have you done that is so much more than Flap your Gums Together? Where are you recoding? What Money Have you made playing or recoding other people? If you would for a minute shut your Shit hole and listen to what Bruce has said in the context of allot of the forums, You might just learn something.
Dude I think you are the one still living with your parents and you can't even spell there names right! or even LOUD!!!:D

recoding?!?!?!? isn't that what IT people do??!? :D

The Sarasin
Life is short. Play LOAD
Never Never Land
Network Admin.

hate to say it..but you might even know less than blue ball! :D
Prison and Spelling

I see that you got out from under Tiny for a moment. You know I don’t care about spelling. If that is all you can come up with-GO HOME Bitch.
I am sure that I have forgotten more about Recording than you will ever learn. As far as what you have to say I will no longer waste my time posting to a wanna-be bitch like yourself.
Pay no attention to Konvict - he's just mad because he could never figure out how to use his "My First Sony" tape recorder. We keep telling him that "the mic doesn't go THERE", but he just doesn't get it..........

Blue Bear Sound said:
Pay no attention to Konvict - he's just mad because he could never figure out how to use his "My First Sony" tape recorder. We keep telling him that "the mic doesn't go THERE", but he just doesn't get it..........


I'm not sure what he has up there, but whatever it is, it sure is up there good....
Hey BB - finally got to see the tour (didn't have java installed on this PC...duh). Very nice place! I see that John Sayers designed it, but did you do all the building? There's a lot of traps there! I'll bet the rooms sound great. I'm jealous again. I'm glad you're so far away from me! :-)


Now maybe I'll go read that article and really bum myself out.
Hey Rick... thanks! Yes - John designed it and I had a local contractor do the construction with his crew... took about 4 months altogether, plus another for load-in and wiring.

It's a dream to work in - sounds great and clients really love the atmosphere!