New Ambient Track by 14 years old music artist Underground Surface

Firstly, your age means nothing. You don't need to put that you are 14 yrs old. No one cares.

As for the tune, I thought it had promise but it goes nowhere. I lost interest and skipped through it. It'd make a good intro for a techno/trance track but I found it long and dull. I think it would benefit from a re-working. Add a good beat and tear it up. Get some bass pumping. Shorten what you have to an intro, break, outro and get some flavour in there.

My very humble opinion.

:thumbs up:
Listening to it for what it is, an ambient track; it is well executed and clean. It would serve fairly well as it sits in support of something else; like being the underscore in a narrated short film; but by itself, it lacks a strong enough melodic element. The textures presented, while harmonious and well blended, are also a little bit bland, even for ambient; they don't quite sustain the piece enough on their own. I'm not certain you need to rework it into an entirely difference genre; but you might want to consider a more sustainable melodic element to give it the rigidity to support itself. The mix is fine, the sound field is well represented everywhere; nothing stands out as harsh, you have a nice and creamy blend; but that only takes you so far. Commendable work to this point; but I think it has the potential to move to the next level if you keep working with it.