Net Distribution

misterx said:
Hi Vox,

Yah, agreed. Sorry about the public posts about your tune. I should have emailed them to you. Wow, you obviously are a big step ahead of me. "single already out, radio airplay across canada." COOL! Very cool. (See my thread about how to get radio airplay, since this would be good to know..) Thanks!

The record company I deal with has distributed them to all relevent campus stations across Canada...

Mail out a promo kit with a cd single... Not too hard.... If the Station manager likes it, the will add it to their indie programs...

Students hear it... a buzz begins, and they go down to the local record shop, and buy it... (hopefully) He he..

Now, "Real" radio.... Is alot harder.. and cash driven.... Even those so called "Late night Indie" programs on the "big" stations, are all bought off.