Neil Young to "restore the soul of music"

I saw him headline Glastonbury a couple of years ago - it was great! He looks so old and tired, though.

That wasn't with Crazy Horse though was it? Crazy Horse are worth the entry price alone.. Saw him quite a few times in the 70's and 80's but not with Crazy Horse always wanted to tick that box. Done.
Okay thanks for stepping up. They were real questions. So then, why, besides just being your usual argumentative self, do you take issue with us thinking the whole idea is silly? Why do you fight back about this? Why do you care that the majority of people in this thread laugh at this thing?

No, if you're going to accuse me of personal bias because I don't like Neil Young's music, then it's only safe to assume that you support this pono thing because you're a fanboi. Fair enough?

Incorrect. You're ideas on why this thing was a good idea were easily discredited. It's factual that this thing is nothing special. That's not personal opinion. It's fact that there are other devices that already do the things this pono gizmo does. When backed into a corner, you settled on "it's another option" which is also an empty point considering you just lambasted people in general for falling for the newest and latest and greatest things.

Right, it is their choice to re-buy music, and they're being led to do that by the people endorsing the product. These aren't scientists and tech geeks pimping the pono. This isn't consumer reports calling this thing the product of the year. These are musicians that have tracks to sell. You don't have to be an economist to see this.

For whom? The people selling the wavs. And it isn't more convenient at all. How does lugging around another device, one that is awkwardly shaped, equal convenience? Again, any semi-modern smartphone can play high quality audio files. I'm really not seeing where this thing is convenient. Maybe for a few of you dinosaurs still using a 2004 flip phone, you'll need the pono. The rest of modern society already has a wav or FLAC player in their pocket.

I don't know. How many more misguided ideas do you have?

Sheeesh really got a bug up your butt over Pono! :D
I can't believe how deeply you guys are arguing against though it will ruin the ears of the listening public! ;)'s like any other new appliance, gadget, device, car, TV, etc....that people manufacture every year, and millions of people buy every year.
Are all those purchases absolutely necessary...? Nope.....people buy because they want it, regardless of their reasons.
So WTF is the big deal with Pono...why so much angst over it?

If you don't think it's worth buying...don't buy it.

Done! :)
Sheeesh really got a bug up your butt over Pono! :D
I can't believe how deeply you guys are arguing against though it will ruin the ears of the listening public! ;)'s like any other new appliance, gadget, device, car, TV, etc, that people manufacture every year, and millions of people buy every year.
Are all those purchases absolutely necessary...? Nope.....people buy because they want it, regardless of their reasons.
So WTF is the big deal with Pono...why so much angst over it?

If you don't think it's worth buying...don't buy it.

Done! :)

That wasn't with Crazy Horse though was it? Crazy Horse are worth the entry price alone.. Saw him quite a few times in the 70's and 80's but not with Crazy Horse always wanted to tick that box. Done.

Probably not as it was just billed as Neil Young, IIRC. I'm not fussed about that, particularly. I wouldn't go just to see him, but as it was on I had a look. I like a lot of his songs, but I'm not really a fan. He can play pretty good.
Sheeesh really got a bug up your butt over Pono! :D
I can't believe how deeply you guys are arguing against though it will ruin the ears of the listening public! ;)'s like any other new appliance, gadget, device, car, TV, etc....that people manufacture every year, and millions of people buy every year.
Are all those purchases absolutely necessary...? Nope.....people buy because they want it, regardless of their reasons.
So WTF is the big deal with Pono...why so much angst over it?

If you don't think it's worth buying...don't buy it.

Done! :)

You made some ignorant comments stemming from either a blind defense of the pono idea, or from your basic need to argue. I was genuinely just trying to see where you're actually coming from. It's not any bug up any butt. I was being sincere. I was actually a little surprised by your blind acceptance of this idea. I suppose this is some kind of confusing crossroads for a wannabe audiophile purist. I remember you supporting blanket iTunes mastering standards, and now this. Crazy! You've since abandoned trying to make an actual point about the topic though, and instead have focused on our reactions. That's cool. I knew it would get there. Typical day in the mirohood. :D
You made some ignorant comments stemming from either a blind defense of the pono idea, or from your basic need to argue. I was genuinely just trying to see where you're actually coming from. It's not any bug up any butt. I was being sincere. I was actually a little surprised by your blind acceptance of this idea. I suppose this is some kind of confusing crossroads for a wannabe audiophile purist. I remember you supporting blanket iTunes mastering standards, and now this. Crazy! You've since abandoned trying to make an actual point about the topic though, and instead have focused on our reactions. That's cool. I knew it would get there. Typical day in the mirohood. :D

Just let him have the last word. He won't be able to sleep without it...
Lol. So back to the pono.....did I read correctly that this thing won't stream music? It's a you-gotta-buy-outright kind of thing? To me, that's a big pile of suck all by itself.
He was nor is anything to do with the Punk movement. He was a part of David Geffens stable and has more to do with the Eagles than the Sex Pistols or The New York Dolls. Philip Glass was composing and well established at the start of Young recording career. Comparison there is beyond me. They are not n or ever have been musical peers or influences either way.

As has already been stated however this is not about whether anyone like Neil Young, it is about claims that a new product is revolutionary, it is not. It is about over promises made about the devices capabilities, the claims are rubbish.
LOL! I know all of that. I'm talking about attitude. Have you ever heard any of his experimental stuff? Some of it was interesting. Some of it was complete rubbish. I'm completely capable of discerning that this isn't about Neil Young. We're just, as they say here in the states, shooting the shit! LOL! As I've already stated earlier, "After reading the science behind this device I've decided I wouldn't be purchasing one."
LOL! I know all of that. I'm talking about attitude. Have you ever heard any of his experimental stuff? Some of it was interesting. Some of it was complete rubbish. I'm completely capable of discerning that this isn't about Neil Young. We're just, as they say here in the states, shooting the shit! LOL! As I've already stated earlier, "After reading the science behind this device I've decided I wouldn't be purchasing one."

I pretty much check out everything he's done.
Lol. So back to the pono.....did I read correctly that this thing won't stream music? It's a you-gotta-buy-outright kind of thing? To me, that's a big pile of suck all by itself.

The file size for that sort of stuff is kind of ahead of the game for streaming on current mobile networks. Even if it was possible if you play it back through even a top end set of earbuds it's not going to give you what it claims....

I don't know what the need for all this is anyway. Audiophiles waste heaps of money on snake oil kitting out their listening environment. If they could have done it for $350 and a pair of Sure earbuds I don't think they would have given the startup capital to a bunch of aging muso's...
I actually liked the Reactor LP. LOL! QUOTE=muttley600;4171794]I pretty much check out everything he's done.[/QUOTE]
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I actually liked the Reactor LP. LOL! QUOTE=muttley600;4171794]I pretty much check out everything he's done.

Hated it. He only did it to fulfill a contract obligation. He was pissing on them... I saw him on the tour before that. Was it Hawks and Doves, cant remember but het got that twat Nils Lofgren to do loads of assing about. Or was the tour after?