Need some basic advices on recording!

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No - cuppla days yet, I think... some real good stuff there. I reckon you'd get a decent CD out of it all... shame HR doesn't have a marketing division!

We'd need one of the contributors to die in a horrendous way, preferably with video footage available so we had a tragic story to sell/tell... and we'd another to be 15 years old and someone that girls find hunky...
Yes Henry... now that you're dead, I just wanted to point out the fatal (sorry) flaw in your selfless act.... as you didn't submit a song, you can't be on the CD, reducing somewhat the news value of your untimely demise..... sorry 'bout that.... such a senseless waste of human life...

I notice we've taken over Vargmork's thread... I do hope he doesn't mind... with a name like that I'm imagining he's a 9 ft tall Norwegian with a filthy temper...
I notice we've taken over Vargmork's thread... I do hope he doesn't mind... with a name like that I'm imagining he's a 9 ft tall Norwegian with a filthy temper...

Yeah, that sounds about right. If you give him some recording advice I'm sure he'll want to overlook the whole thing.

You could use mics to record everything, or you could record with an interface and amp simulator. That way you don't need to deal with the hassle of mic placement and getting a good tone. If you can get good mic placement and get a great tone from micing the amp, then that is definitely better than recording through an interface. It just depends on how much work you are willing to do
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