Two years ago I recorded an album. Long story short I used a different mic than usual and it was terrible. Since the vocals sounded so lifeless and dry I added EQ. It caused sibilance issues rending my recordings incredibly difficult to listen to. Like it's painful even after applying de-essers, tape emulation, soothe, etc.....
After over a 1,000 hours trying to fix these tracks I have absolutely no other ideas of what to try. Can anyone listen to this and possibly give me some ideas to try?
I realize these songs are never going to sound great. At this point I just want to remove whatever is causing the pain/headaches from listening to it.
After over a 1,000 hours trying to fix these tracks I have absolutely no other ideas of what to try. Can anyone listen to this and possibly give me some ideas to try?
I realize these songs are never going to sound great. At this point I just want to remove whatever is causing the pain/headaches from listening to it.