MXL 9090 (Upcoming SDOTD)


New member
I find nothing substantive about these in search.

They're supposed to be the Stupid Deal of the Day on the 26th, probably around $60-$80.

This dual-capsule thing seems like an odd concept. Anyone use one?

Thanks for any useful data.
This dual-capsule thing seems like an odd concept. Anyone use one?

Translation: the plant in China screwed up and got the tension too low on a whole run of mass-manufactured capsules while the QA team was off watching the Olympics, so now they have to figure out what to do with them. :D

What did I win? :D

But seriously, dual capsules aren't at all uncommon. The only thing unusual about this is that instead of tuning the capsules to match as much as possible (which you would do for a switchable pattern mic), they seem to have not done so by any stretch of the imagination. My guess is that one side is a hyped-and-brittle first-generation Chinese capsule (a la Apex 435), the other is a less hyped, less brittle second-generation Chinese capsule (a la some of the CAD mics). That's just a guess, though.
My guess is that one side is a hyped-and-brittle first-generation Chinese capsule (a la Apex 435), the other is a less hyped, less brittle second-generation Chinese capsule (a la some of the CAD mics). That's just a guess, though.
That was pretty much my guess, too. I was just looking for some verification.

Another obscure MXL model nobody's tried, I suppose...they keep makin' 'em, folks keep buying 'em... :rolleyes:
I did some searching and found this:
That's more convenient.

Someone told me it was somehow possible to hack the SDOTD page and with no more information than that I figured out how to do it in about five minutes...but I didn't want to be the guy who told the guy who ruined it for everyone, y'know?

If this page is so aboveground and MF doesn't seem to care, just bookmark it. It saves time.
in my best Ace Ventura voice.....

"can ya feel that buddy??? HUH??? Can you feel it??? yea yea yea!!!"
just enter this url in the address bar and change the date at the will get a pic of the upcomming SDOTD's. Looks like they only plan out a few days at a time, and it looks like they change the pricing info manualy so you will have to wait the day arrives to see the price, but you can still plan your purchase....

I wonder if MF already caught on to that back door. It don't seem to work any more.
hey...its working again....It seems that maybe they choose the items weekly, so at any one time there is only a few items that can be seen ahead of time...
hey...its working again....It seems that maybe they choose the items weekly, so at any one time there is only a few items that can be seen ahead of time...

nice... i want those shakers and if that's a V67, i wouldn't mind one of those too

if any of the rest of you want anything, you'd better order early in the morning because WhiteStrat has a Gold Card and he buys up everything. I wanted one of the purple heart-shaped guitars they were selling today but he bought up like a dozen of them.
and on the 1st it's Amplitube (probably a scaled down version). That was up before, maybe a year ago, for $25 or something, and I ordered, then waited... waited... and after a few weeks they refunded my money and wouldn't talk to me about it. Where I come from, they call that "breach of contract", but I figure you gotta pick your battles. Anyway, I may go for it again.

But wouldn't it be funny if they were reading this thread and just throwing up pictures (that have nothing to do with the upcoming SDOTDs)? :D