MXL 3000 $99.99 - Buy or Burn?

It's a gamble no matter which way you look at it. If you can blow $100 on somthing you're not sure you'll like just because you're curious, then go for it. If $100 is too much to risk for you right now, leave it alone and get something more reliable later.

I'm not personally a big gambler, and I'm not the first one to try out brand new stuff before the market gets some sort of opinion...
nukeitout said:
If you can blow $100 on somthing you're not sure you'll like just because you're curious, then go for it.
I'm spending a few thousand bucks a year on gear purely out of curiosity and it has to stop.

I didn't order this thing, despite the cool lunchbox, and I see that the "everyday price" immediately dropped from $200 to $130 after the big sale. :rolleyes:
bongolation said:
I'm spending a few thousand bucks a year on gear purely out of curiosity and it has to stop.

I didn't order this thing, despite the cool lunchbox, and I see that the "everyday price" immediately dropped from $200 to $130 after the big sale. :rolleyes:

Yea, I've seen that happen with those deals before as well.
It most closely resembles an MXL M3 (hence 3000 moniker?)


I don't know if it has similar internals.
The external is similar but not the same.
EX: The grill is chrome on the M3 painted on the 3000.
AFAIK, the less expensive MF versions of mics can have lessexpensive components.

I have an M3 and it is very warm, more pillowy than phat and gooey, has a hint of that usual MXL peak at the highest end.

The M3 is very, very solid. it is heavier and feels more solid than the lower end MXL mics. I can tell you it is more substantial than the V67, V63, V69ME etc. The internals are different looking on the M3 with a metal shield over one side of the boards and what looks like dabs of epoxy over certain components (maybe to hide their silicon valveness?????)
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